Gary Alexander Stott

The phrase you're looking for is " for all intents and purposes," not "for all intensive purposes." Intensive purposes? That doesn't make sense. The true phrase, intents and purposes, makes sense but is redundant (that is, it makes sense until you remember that "intents" and "purposes" are the same dang thing).

Uncharted cosplay.

You’re down with the idea of playing as a teenage girl.

you sure about that?

You love Ellen Page.

No pressure, AC IV developers, but you just might hold the series' future in your hands.

I have to agree. And I think that David Cage being kind of creepy is actually authentic, it wasn't glossed over, he REALLY seemed to think this Game had to have Ellen Page, and that and this article really make me excited for the game.

THIS is one hell of an article, perfectly written.

I loved Heavy Rain, I would say it wasn't perfect. But it was and still is one of the most immersive digital worlds I've ever experienced. I hold that game in high Regard.

But David Cage is afraid. He’s afraid because he has spent the last 12 months looking at pictures of Ellen Page. [...] from the age of eight through to adulthood.

Not quite the same, but I died from walking into the fire truck's water jet. ^_^

You're literally just doing the exact same thing again and again.

No sombrero? Adios, amigos.

In Europe? Doubtful - they're much less puritanical about that kind of thing than the US. It's more likely to be a scene of horrible violence - Europe is much less indifferent to extreme violence than the US.

I bet the executives over at Warner Bros. were playing Trivia Pursuit when they decided to call Affleck.

The police don't have any evidence that Jesse was involved with Heisenberg because Hank and Steve never handed over the DVD with Jesse's confession to the DEA. The neo-nazi's had it and most likely destroyed it because Jesse named Todd as a co-conspirator and murder. They'll find Walt's body in the lab and probably

I wonder if games will come out with vegetation that isnt billboarded next gen. Every game pretty much has flat 2d flowers that follow you, giving you the impression that theyre 3d.. it used to kill the immersion for me sometimes when i think a game is all nice and pretty and detailed only to find cheap cardboard

At the very least it's become a show that's easy to sum up for friends. First four seasons = good! Second four seasons = bad!

Haha, no. If you need a real example of terrible writing watch the last season of Dexter.