Gary Alexander Stott

I never understood why people hated Christian Bale's Batman voice so much. I just always assumed it was for the reasons that Christopher Nolan explains in the clip. It's part of the disguise.

Someone here is slow, but it's not Kotaku.

This article is great. 10/10

I was playing Grand Theft Auto when I was 11 and I didn't suffer bad parenting. Maybe kids are just more able to distinguish between fantasy and reality over here in Europe.

I feel like this article was written without watching the intro of the video of them using the debug console so that they will stick to it. This isn't how the game normally behaves.

It's generally understood that when someone says "American" or "America" they are referring to the USA, and not to the North or South American continents. You're just being pedantic. Cut it out.

Just out of curiosity, is there already a comparison to Just Cause 2, or ARMA3?

I absolutely love that people used cartography to map out a videogame level based on a limited amount of data.

That's just cool as hell. And stupid. I think it might also be stupid.


Wow, mocking gay giant love. I thought Kotaku was built on outrage over this sort of humor!

See, clearly he's just good at mountain else could he get those angles.

Missed opportunity to make The Dark Knight an actual... dark knight! His exposed face is all kinds of wrong, but at least the suit is undoubted more maneuverable. Also, I think Superman looks better with chainmail to mimic his spandex with only some armored pieces.

This is what's going to happen based on nothing more than the random thought that just popped into my head.

My guess is Gomie dead, Hank injured badly, Jesse taken by Nazi's forced to cook, Walt gathers his family and calls "the vacuum cleaner salesman". Flashforward is Walt coming back to free Jesse, or die trying.

How are they firing guns in space without being attached to anything directly and not being sent spinning wildly by the recoil forces that they can't counteract in absolutely any way?

I'm excited. At least Quantic Dream give me a story I actually slightly care about, which video games always fail to do. As a storytelling medium, video games are laughably retarded, so it is good to see some people trying with games like The Last of Us (which I'm aware isn't a game by QD).

I'd much rather play a game

This one is... pretty hard to beat, I think.