Gary Alexander Stott

I think it looks like a fun one-time watch. My girlfriend & I go to the cinema fairly often, so I can see myself going to see this.

This looks really next-gen to me. It's also freaking me out how much the environment looks like the Scottish countryside in which I live. Gorgeous.

I enjoyed Elysium, but I wasn't compelled to buy it on DVD/Blu-Ray. I guess that's the difference between it and District 9. I do the same thing when it comes to writing, really. Too much focus on concept/idea and less on actual narrative.

He might get knocked out with one punch, but that's sort of the point. He shows the power of intimidation, fear, illusion over physical force. All the best Batman villains resemble some element of Batman's psychology, and Scarecrow represents the theatrical aspect of things.

I'm a feminist, but to be fair, she doesn't actually counter his argument. She just hits him.

Have you seen him in American Hustle? Dude can act!

I think it's so we can sympathise for him more during Civil War. This poor kid getting thrown about side-to-side in a media frenzy as a result of Cap & Stark's conflict.

And, you know, to keep your dignity and not appear weak in front of your men. I didn't want to go the same way as Ethan. I'm going strong and aggressive now.

You get told to be tender right before you talk to her, but she seems to be of a more practical mindset, so you're basically set up to fail unless you listen to nobody but yourself!

I chose not to work with Tyrion at the end of ep 1, and yet he came up to me to discuss a deal in this ep. Telltale make really great, well-written, glitchy-ass games!

I disagree with the notion that being a geek rules out 'growing up'. I don't consider myself to be a man-child, I just consider myself to give my interests the passion and respect they deserve.

Judging this entirely on its own merits as a trailer and completely ignoring the material it's based on and the cultural climate in which its being released, this looks like a mediocre sci-fi film that has been greatly influenced by Interstellar.

The difference there being that Guardians does borrow a lot from Star Wars, where as Avatar isn't similar at all.

Nineteen Eighty-Four by George Orwell. If I hadn't read that book, I never would've got into reading books in the first place. I never would've developed an interest in literature, nor would I have come to understand the power of literature, and what it can do. Furthermore, I never would've gone to university to study

What's weird about 'Dawn of Justice'? It makes perfect sense. It sets up the Justice League. Is anybody saying that's a weird title?

Just like the Age of Ultron trailer's opening line!

I like how Scott Lang has a daughter. When you look at the other Avengers, that's actually something new. Plus it puts a human face on the people he will ultimately end up becoming a hero to save. Rudd is a great choice for the role. This trailer focused more on the emotional elements of the movie than anything else,

The plan is for the Netflix shows to lead into a Defenders show like the MCU movies led into a Avengers movie.

I'm happy about Netflix because Netflix have proven they can make decent shows, and ABC have produced a very mediocre show for Marvel. It'll be interesting to see something done by another production team.

I don't see that being an issue. Marvel know how to make quality movies, they're not going to leave out anything that might be important or relevant to the overall story. There'll doubtless be a scene in which a SHIELD agent catches a main character up on certain discoveries, or perhaps the narrative will be more