Gary Alexander Stott

See, you say that, but AoS really made Cap 2 feel like a game-changing event in the Marvel universe as opposed to just a film with its own plot and stakes. It radically changed that show. And that was awesome!

It doesn't really start to get good until the second half of the first season, and then there are lots of unexpected twists, some surprisingly dark scenes, and a level of quality that continues into season 2. It's worth sticking with if you're s Marvel fan, but I wouldn't recommend the show to anybody who isn't. The

That's so weird! I don't like it! >.<

I'm currently friends with my ex, as we always had one of those 'best friends' style relationships. We were together for 2 and a half years. We still both love each other, but we broke up because she wants to be single and enjoy the freedom and time that comes from being single. Yet we still text as much as we did

The Pirate Bay is like HYDRA - cut off one head, and another two will take its place!

'The Williams-Sonoma Catalog' sounds like a really weird, creepy Internet thing, or novel. Beautiful term!

For me, it's because their faces are so much more realistic than everything else around them. That kind of detail and animation isn't prevalent elsewhere.

This sounds vague and generic enough to be legit!

It's still vulnerable to undercuts.

That said, I'm not taking the practicality of this thing as seriously as others are. In the context of the movie, the character is going to be able to wield it effectively.

Plus you never know. It could be an old ceremonial lightsaber or something, rather than one used for combat.

I feel like they did that purely to make the moment seem more dramatic and powerful.

It's actually on tracks, and they digitally remove them. I read that somewhere earlier.

"There has been an awakening. Have you felt it? The Dark Side and the Light."

That clearly refers to an awakening within the force overall, as the force consists of a light side and a dark side. That much is obvious.


Perhaps it could also refer to the coming of a new major jedi and a new major sith? Or perhaps

Scripted events, in particular, were a big innovative thing. This was the first game to really put you into a world where a story was unfolding, and you'd see the story unfolding before you while you were free to move around.

I didn't care for the Milennium Falcon shot! It looked too CGI-ey to me. Reminded me of the dogfights from the prequel trilogy. I generally don't enjoy watching chase scenes...the scene in Guardians of the Galaxy where Ronan comes down to face off against Drax and the other guys take part in a huge chase/dogfight is

I like the new lightsaber. Don't get me wrong, it did give me the whole 'Look - a gimmicky new lightsaber' vibe it gave everybody else, but at the same time, a crossguard is an interesting choice. It's crusader-like imagery. Makes you wonder about the sith wielding it and the direction of the overall narrative.

I thought he WAS in the movie?

Black stormtroopers! (Or more likely, an undercover agent!)

Already the tone feels totally different than the prequels. However, we'll see! I'm reserving judgment until I see the film itself. That shot of the Sith though...OOPH! <3

I think the best distinction to make is that fantasy is impossible, where as sci-fi is theoretically possible. Lord of the Rings is fantasy because we don't live in the universe it depicts, nor does our universe bear any resemblance to it, or contain any of its key features such as magic. Sci-fi universes could

I was just thinking how it looks like a warped human head, floating around in limbo...