Gary Alexander Stott

At this point, why are they even calling it the Fantastic Four? The powers and (some of) the character names seem to be the only things remotely resembling the source material. And now we have a stereotypical villainous blogger. Wonderful.

I actually liked that element of Interstellar. I think it works in the context of the story, and I think the audience can tell where the jump from scientific accuracy to storytelling closure comes in at the end.

Yeah, I'm pretty sure that is the case, but what I'm saying is they'll eventually stop exercising the rights if they keep failing to get things really working, as audiences will get bored. Garfield's series is making money now, but it's really not built to last, and there's only so many times they can reboot something

You can't conclude that debate either way, as the film cuts away and doesn't reveal his fate. Sub-debates about grenade types and their lethality don't change that.

The Wolfman is one of my drinking movies. I go back to it from time to time, though it does have its flaws. Some weird casting and performances in places (Del Toro & Hopkins feel like they're acting in different movies), and a bit boring in places. But if you're a fan of the werewolf concept, as well as Victorian

Duel of the Fates (think that's the title) is an incredible piece of music, and easily one of the best things to come out of the prequels. As is the visual design of Darth Maul. Dude looked BADASS!

If we're talking about a universe with anthropomorphised cars, you might as well ask 'who built the humans?'.

I think it's a relevant debate. In terms of 'why', yes, that needs to end, because most of us know it's down to film rights. The question of 'how', though, is another thing entirely. I feel Marvel will eventually get all their properties back, though it may take some time. Sony, in particular, will probably sell

"He wasn't writing for fans when he started A Song of Ice and Fire, and that's how we became fans of the work. To write specifically for fans changes the work — and the irony is that there's every chance we would like the books less if they were being written specifically with us in mind, because it would be different

I think part of the appeal is that Missingno is unofficial. Nintendo doesn't want to recognise it as a Pokemon. The game doesn't want it to exist. But it DOES.

So basically, Marvel are doing something ELSE better than DC! I don't know, I liked the way they did that on Arrow. It made it feel more grounded.

As Kyle Bosman over at GameTrailers pointed out: DON'T REMIND THE PLAYER THEY'RE PLAYING A VIDEOGAME! That totally kills the escapism.

Lools incredible. I can't believe this trailer didn't excite people! This trailer basically just introduces the premise of the film for a general audience. We geeks will get smaller tidbits for us in the later trailers, I'm sure. Really liked the use of the Pinnochio song, too! And Spader's voice is perfect. Plus it

It's a matter of interactivity. Watching others commit immoral acts is somewhat less controversial than committing them yourself, and without even a thin justification it's a dangerous area to explore. I already view games as art, but I think interactivity is one of the defining traits of gaming as a medium, so the

Because it interacts and influences the very real mind of the gamer playing it, and it nourishes any immoral desires within that mind. It rewards those desires with pleasure and enjoyment.

Because the aim of the game is to commit immoral acts for the sake of them and to take pleasure in them. That's immoral whether the acts are real or not. I totally support GTA, Manhunt etc. but there's something clearly different about this case.

This does look absolutely disgusting. Giving players the freedom to fuck around like in GTA isn't a problem, but when the actual focus and aim of the game is to kill innocents for pleasure...that's fucked up beyond belief. That's incredibly immoral.

I love Ennis' depiction, particular in Volume 4 of Punisher Max. He's drawn to literally look like death itself in some of the panels. Really pale and skull-faced, like his symbol. Love it!

There are plenty of good New 52 titles. Aquaman is the best, for my money.

I've only recently started getting into comics. What 'fun' I seem to have missed out on! :P