Gary Alexander Stott

I haven't had any problems on this front. It's probably just a bug! Have you tried dominating a bodyguard and having them kill him so he's 'officially' knocked off of the political map?

Any idea what book this shot is from? Gorgeous art.

Hard to imagine another actor playing Wolverine. Jackman is iconic in the that role. He's even affected the look of the comic character in many depictions!

It's a failure on the part of the marketing and QA teams, not the entire studio.

Agreed! I love the fact that there's finally a bit of academic discussion going on with concern to games, but the majority of gamers aren't really scholars, and so they're hostile to that kind of discussion. And the genuine scholars tend to know nothing about games, so ludology does tend to be an incredibly niche

A year? I thought there was more of a gap between Batman Begins and The Dark Knight. Though you do raise a good point, it could only be a few years at the most.

To be fair, he perceives the rest of the world as moving slower, so even if he tripped, he'd have plenty of time to react and recover!

Every supervillain would get the death sentence sooner or later, because in real life, the bad guys don't 'win' when you give in and kill them. That's just an excuse writers have made up to keep villains coming back again and again.

He actually has incredible physical strength, as well as armour. Plus he tends to cover the coast as opposed to the entire sea though he does have power over it. He'd be a tough bastard to catch!

I'd give him longer than a week. He's a trained Vietnam vet (special forces in some versions) going up against the mob. They'd get their asses kicked. The police would probably put it down to gang violence or something and wouldn't know where to begin looking. Once the law got onto him, though, he'd be screwed. Even a

Because Gotham doesn't have super villains yet! Things will keep getting progressively worse until it DOES need Batman! Super villain ORIGINS. Why does nobody get that?

Interesting! I love the idea of telling a story in that kind of setting and time period that would've been considered too shocking at the time, or couldn't have been done well enough. I actually thought it would've been better if the lady was just crazy as opposed to being a shifter. #Inspired

That was very strange, and I'm not sure what kind of meaning or message the short is trying to convey, but the atmosphere, tone and sound were all really absorbing. I'd like to hear some interpretations of this!

I really liked this pilot. It's going to be interesting seeing what kind of Batman universe Gotham takes place in. Obviously we're not heading towards The Dark Knight. That's kinda exciting. Keeps things fresh. Loved the very 'Earth One' Alfred - keep the curveballs like that coming!

"Spider-Man swings through the city, web attached to nothing but justice".

Haha, honestly, there's nothing weird about it at all, other than the description. It doesn't look, smell or taste anything like it sounds. It's usually served along such mundane food as turnips and potatoes!

Really mate, it doesn't smell or taste disgusting in the slightest! :) It just sounds horrible.

True story. I would say Westminster would be the ones holding it back though, I'd just think networks would take one look at the plot and not bother trying to air it for fear of controversy and having to pull it.

Haggis is one of those things that sounds crazy and horrible when explained - like sausages, for example - but actually tastes nice and down-to-earth. It's hardly an exotic or experimental dish. It's nice! :)

Being a Scot IN Scotland at this crazy time, I would have to say that conspiracy doesn't sound too far fetched. The referendum is all that's being talked about everywhere. Today is one of the most important days we'll experience in our lives. Neutrality is hard to find between the two campaigns and their supporters,