Gary Alexander Stott

Bring The Punisher to TV! Imagine an HBO Punisher series!

I think the creation of the ghosts was the traveller's last, dying act, so it could carry out its will throughout dormancy. On that basis, it's not like it found humanity and started recruiting them. It's more like pulling a grenade pin after getting shot.

I love the name of that weapon, and wonder how many people's heads the Poe reference goes over.

He's a fucking AI! That's exactly how he should sound. I've never understood these complaints. I think his performance is fine.

Depends how it's done. Look at the sewers in TLoU. Ish's notes tell the whole story of that chapter, and they're laid out in easy-to-find locations for that purpose. It raises the question of whether he survived or not, and you keep progressing to find out more about what happened. That's how note/recording lore

I think that's giving Destiny's 'story' too much credit. The universe is interesting, but the story barely exists, and I don't think that's deliberate. Besides, the hive literally spawn from pools of darkness! I think Destiny's story is actually quite religious. It's about having faith in the light, and not giving up

I always get 'phantom vibrations' where I think somebody has texted me, only to find I was imagining it.

I pictured Shadow as Carlos from Desperate Housewives.

Gorgeous animation and visual style!

I consider myself to be a feminist, and there's nothing wrong with this animation. The woman is actually the one empowered in this film. Plus, she's somewhat 'voluptuous', which is nice to see for a change. Usually princesses/maids are skinny, helpless blondes in pink.

My problem is that he doesn't appear to age over the course of the books! :P

The key difference being that Spider-Man is in a feminine pose, which makes no sense. If you're going to be fair and sexualise a male character, do it in a 'sexy male' pose. I understand this is just a joke, but the Hawkeye Initiative makes the same error. It's not the same. I'm not saying female characters aren't

It's not racist to cast a white actor.

WE are Hodor!

I wouldn't say superhero movies are necessarily better than superhero comics, in any way. Some of them are, some of them aren't, but different mediums work in different ways, and they each have their strengths. Death of the Family, for example, was fucking great, and The Dark Knight was fucking great, yet they're

I really hope you get things sorted out, if that's any consolation! Nobody should have to go through such experiences. All the best.

How does Arrow fit into the Nolan timeline? Would it make sense to have Neeson? That said, this particular character has a fountain of youth, so perhaps it wouldn't really matter anyway.

Internet comments often amuse me; they rarely make me laugh out loud as this one did! Bravo, good sir!

Completely agree! It feels gimmicky. It's nice to have the Batmobile in there, but I don't want it to be a key design focus.

Surely the title will be covering her ass anyway?