Gary Alexander Stott

I think that's giving Destiny's 'story' too much credit. The universe is interesting, but the story barely exists, and I don't think that's deliberate. Besides, the hive literally spawn from pools of darkness! I think Destiny's story is actually quite religious. It's about having faith in the light, and not giving up

I really hope you get things sorted out, if that's any consolation! Nobody should have to go through such experiences. All the best.

Completely agree! It feels gimmicky. It's nice to have the Batmobile in there, but I don't want it to be a key design focus.

The Last of Us, Half Life 1 & 2, Portal 2, Destiny (assuming the beta intro is the final intro).

"It's basically like getting the blu-ray collector's edition of a movie you already own on DVD. The new technology provides a good reason to play it again."

This is the greatest argument for next-gen ports I've ever heard. I'm definitely in this camp with regard to TLoU. Masterpiece.

24fps in film isn't the same as 24fps in gaming. It has something to do with motion blur in film, but it's not the same thing in the context of gaming. A game running at 24fps would look horrendous.

Saying 'Legos' is like saying 'Sheeps'. The S is unnecessary.

Anybody remember the Rare Candy cheat? Man, was that complex...

Glad it's something so minor, I'm going to be busy on Saturday.

I would LOVE to see a game about a conflict between two alien races that were accustomed to using weapons entirely different from us. What would a war look like if it revolved entirely on single-shot, short range weapons?

I fucking love Destiny, and I'm saddened by the negativity in these comments. Are you guys playing the same game?! It's incredible!

It's not needed, no, but developers shouldn't sacrifice 60fps if its possible to achieve it and then pass that off as an artistic choice when its really just a technological barrier.

It's not an artistic choice, though. They're trying to spin it that way, but anybody who knows anything about framerates knows they're just bullshitting, and it's really annoying that those who don't know much about framerates can't see that. It's not even subtle - they're clearly, outright lying to consumers who

Yes, but GAMES look better at 60fps even if FILMS don't. It doesn't matter if they're cinematic games or not. Live 3D-rendered animation looks better at 60fps. The only reason 30fps exists in the first place is because of technological barriers. 60fps would be the standard otherwise, with lower framerates as the

I don't know what Bungie are telling people these days, but believe me when I tell you...THAT WIZARD CAME FROM THE MOON!

It's amazing what a difference that filter makes to the feel of the universe. It FEELS so much more futuristic, and like it has history with a robotic voice telling you all that, as opposed to the human voice which just sounds like a generic 'radio HQ dude'.

A critical flop, then, ala Daylight! ;)

I think Alien: Isolation might flop. I can wait for Dragon Age since I've never been a huge RPG player. I'll get the PS+ edition of Driveclub. Middle-Earth might be worth a look, as with The Evil Within. Fuck AC, that shit looks booooooring. Evolve looks awesome! :D

That is a HORRIBLE attitude to have. I wish there was some way for that guy to NOT be a shareholder.

Because they feel out of place, dating sims aside. GTA and Duke Nukem are very much ABOUT masculinity and sexual indulgence, so it makes sense. In MGS? Less so. It feels like it's tacked on to please the male demographic.