Gary Alexander Stott

No, I get you entirely. By admitting to enjoying such content, I was sort of saying I understand why it exists and why people make it. It's just part of me feels there's a place for such content, and I'm not sure if games ARE the right place for sexually-indulgent stuff.

Japanese games ARE truly creepy, for the most part. Even Metal Gear Solid is full of creepy stuff like taking photos of the female bosses in MGS4 in their underwear.

As a heterosexual man, I DO enjoy stuff like that, but it does feel really cheap and tasteless, all the same.

"Don't hurt them - I don't need any more lawsuits!"

Oh, the irony.

Oh christ, these games are still using years-old animations! They really need a radical reboot.

Agreed! Loving the DLC at the moment.

For me, Ground Zeroes is the best game of 2014 so far. It's just SO polished and full of detail, and mechanically it's incredible.

Barely! Not nearly enough to turn him into an actual character. He's an object with a few lines of dialogue, if that.

Dude, that was OBVIOUS sarcasm. He's slagging them off for prioritising insane detail over the actual feel of the gameplay.

There's also the fact that Jacks - as one of Aiden's (and therefore the player's) primary motivating influences, doesn't talk.

What was wrong with the systems and controls in THQ's 2009 entry?

I remember UFC 2009 being a fucking fantastic game. Haven't played any since. What the fuck happened while I was gone?!

Exactly. He's obviously put hours into getting that good. I spent around 13 hours seeing everything Ground Zeroes had to offer, and that's value for its discounted price. It makes me rage to hear how some people are put off by the fact its a prologue...that would only be justified if it was full retail price, but

People arguing about music in the comments as if any piece of art can be objectively good or bad...

Amazing hahaha!

The one thing that has always stopped me from getting into football has nothing to do with the sport itself. It's the culture surrounding it I don't like. I can't speak for other countries, but I really hate UK football culture. It's off-putting.

That and the fact that it's a low-scoring sport. I understand that ups

I loved the Alpha! I was a little unsure about Destiny beforehand, but it really has me sold. It's like Halo meets Borderlands meets Mass Effect meets Star Wars!

I don't hear that, but even if we assume you're correct - it sounds WAY more obviously digitised in the promotional videos I was referring to.

His performance is fine. The problem is they haven't digitised his voice, which is weird seeing as we've heard a digitised version in promotional videos before.

Ubisoft are one of the Big Three, and they've been making AC games since the start of the last generation and have only included one lead female in a portable spin-off. That's the problem. It's like franchise fatigue has come back with a vengeance.

Surely it makes more sense to include characters unlike the majority of gamers to express different backgrounds and lifestyles to the majority of gamers? The human race is roughly 50/50. Characters in EVERYTHING should be too, regardless of the audience ratio.