You always hear about these isolated incidents, but I've had my fat 60GB PS3 from day one, never had a problem with it.
You always hear about these isolated incidents, but I've had my fat 60GB PS3 from day one, never had a problem with it.
You could always create an anonymous Facebook account and connect it to that for simplicity of use.
"It's hard to explain just how beautifully these experiences play out. But you'll feel it once you come upon that first scene where two people play out their dialogue in what would otherwise have been an non-interactive cutscene. As they move around, going about their business, you'll hop on top of the shadows their…
Thank you, Playstation Plus.
Because Kotaku's reviews don't try to be objective - they're subjective opinion-based reviews based on the author of each article. I assume there was a draw of some sort to decide who reviewed which launch title.
Killzone's single-player has always been its selling point, it's far better than those of the standard military shooters. KZ3 in particular featured a lot of really interesting environments and a surprising amount of gameplay variety for a shooter.
I'd like Killzone fans to note the fact that Evan has never been huge on Killzone to begin with:…
IGN just gave it a 9, which actually makes it the highest-rated PS4 launch game currently on their site.
Yeah, but that all comes as a result of them being unfair during the first colonizations. They kept breaking tons of agreed-upon laws. And then they waged war over the punishments that came as a result. That wasn't the right thing to do. And plus one of their mission aims at one point in the series is to eliminate all…
To be fair, it's not like they intended to blow up the whole freaking planet.
And plus they were nice enough to let the refugees from Helghan move to their own home planet, as Shadow Fall depicts.
And, as we know from the trailers, that little arrangement seems to work out well for everybody involved.
There's also a new tech trailer, with a visible on-screen cursor at 2:40 just to the left of the center.
That's an awesome deal. No way we'll be getting that in the UK.
I'll be pre-ordering my games tomorrow once the US reviews come in! :) Really hoping Knack does well. That's the only big exclusive I feel could go either way. I'd like to get that & ACIV in addition to my bundled Killzone: Shadow Fall.
That's just how the creator of Knack rolls.
Kotaku is opinion-based. Those opinions come from the authors of each individual post. So yes, there's a bias, but no, it's not because of bribery.
Secondly, every single day I see someone accusing Kotaku of being PS4-centric while another calls it One-centric.
There is no bias. There are only opinions. And opposing…
Can't believe we're actually here, seeing this! It hardly seems that long ago since it was unveiled ('announced' might be a better word).
All this time, and we're still giving Knack a hard time. I actually have high hopes for that game.
Also, I live in the UK, so I still have three weeks to wait. But you Americans go…
I think he meant that you can't kill the zombie genre, as opposed to the actual zombies! :P I think it looks good, but I agree with him too. The art style is bland, the narrative looks unoriginal, the gameplay is the same thing as the last two games. It looks enjoyable, I just wish we'd start getting genuinely new and…
The Last of Us features significantly more human enemies than infected enemies, actually. It's set during a zombie apocalypse, but it's not really about that apocalypse. It's more about how humanity has changed as a result of it, and it focuses strongly on human characters and enemies, outweighing the infected enemies…
It just struck me watching this trailer that so many games are advertised as if they're movies. That whole trailer is comprised of cutscenes and quick gameplay cuts from cinematic angles that you wouldn't find in-game.
There's something wrong about that. I'm all for cinematic trailers, but it seems that, in general,…
This is what video game character hell looks like.
My fat launch PS3 does. It's a very loud console. Not quite as loud as the 360, but louder than, say, a laptop. Especially when it's hot.