Gary Alexander Stott

Any tech gurus wanna annotate some of these photos for us peasants so we know what exactly we're looking at?

Ever since it was revealed, it's been on my "buy when it's 50% cheaper" list.

I like his New-52 t-shirt look best. Superman's suit just isn't cool.

Jesus this looks awful.

Umm, 'infamous' is a word. And by stylising the 'in' in lower case, it conveys the premise of the game - that you can be famous as a hero or infamous as an anti-hero.

"In order to properly demonstrate the framerate and resolution we achieve in Shadow Fall's multiplayer, we've captured and lightly compressed new footage that we're not offering through a video sharing service. Instead, we ask that you download and locally view the high-resolution, uncompressed footage directly from

It's not what Ghosts looks like that's the problem. It's the fact that, at launch, the Xbox One isn't powerful enough to run a game that uses an old engine at maximum settings. That's worrying for the future.

This runs really choppy on my laptop, so I'm not really getting the full benefit!

It's because his costume looks so badass, and the futuristic aesthetic would bring a fresh art style along with it.

That said, I totally see where you're coming from. A modern-day Batman universe has loads more potential. I can actually see them doing Beyond as story DLC as opposed to a fully-fledged game.

I actually really like the new guy. He just sounds like Conroy only he shouts sometimes. And that's why I like him; Conroy always sounded controlled, but never intimidating.

Yeah, but the Arkham games actually have interesting stories and characters because they take place within a comic book universe. AC doesn't have that excuse. It just has an all-over-the-place plot and instantly-forgettable dialogue. Even if a Batman comic isn't that good, it's still Batman. And the same applies to

I think the main appeal is more to do with the fact that the gameplay lets the player feel like Batman. The combat system, the stealth system, the gadgets etc. - they all feel right for the character. They all make the game play like a Batman game should. That and an interesting story which originally started in media

I couldn't agree more. Instant Game Collection is the sole reason I subscribe to PS +, and everything else is just a bonus. I'm not hugely into multiplayer games either, so there's that.

As far as I'm aware, Outlast doesn't even have a release date on PS4 yet, though it's definitely in the works.

That said, I'm pretty sure Sony still own the IP. They could just throw it off to another dev if they wanted a new Resistance.

I find that Japanese games tend to look far worse than Western games, at any given moment in time.

I understand that's a big claim, but I think it's a cultural thing. We seem to care about graphics far more over here than they do there.

It was certainly an EU launch game. I remember having Motorstorm before I had my PS3! It came out just before.

Resistance: Fall of Man looked like ass at launch and it looks like ass now. I played it just a few months ago (I played the demo at launch). Ugly, ugly game. I've seen better-looking PS2 games.

"Weird things happen in the virtual version of Grand Theft Auto Online."

As opposed to the real version?

What am I looking at?