Gary Alexander Stott

What about getting crushed by water pressure? I haven't actually seen that one yet, but it must be possible seeing as the submarine starts to get crushed if you go too far down.

Well argued, good sir! And you're correct, I don't like sports! :P But that's an interesting point your raise about Civ and SimCity. Hell, SEX is technically the same thing every time, and yet the experience is always different. Maybe that argument isn't actually the best way to describe why I dislike multiplayer

I'm not a fan of multiplayer gaming, never have been. I just don't understand how people can keep playing matches and not get bored? You're literally just doing the exact same thing again and again. Sometimes you win, sometimes you don't. You level up and get new guns the same thing again. Over and over

That's the thing though. Half Life and Half Life 2 weren't the successes they were on the merits of their story alone, they became the phenomena they were by progressing games as a whole across the board. As complete experiences they brought in a lot of innovation.

I still just feel so pissed off at Valve for their radio silence over Half Life 3. It's been incredibly unfair to their fans who have been actively pining for it for years now. If there's that much level of interest, the least you could do is put out some vague PR comment regarding it to, you know, actually

It is actually! It's a random level prop that shows up here and there, but it's totally sliceable like in the gameplay demo shown in the gif above! :)

Revision3 are awesome. Absolutely my favourite YouTube gaming channel. Adam Sessler, guys! THE SESS!

I don't think it's lazy. Single-word titles can sound really cool, particularly if the word used is a good one. Different mediums have different naming conventions, generally speaking. Go to books if you want really long titles. Especially the classics!

Surely Jack Nicholson in One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest was the primary inspiration for Trevor's look?

I really can't choose. I love all three, and they're all so different.

I think I like Franklin because he's young and modern, he feels very different from the other two as a result. And he's somewhat outside of the background story. In the second half of the game, Michael and Trevor just moan at one another, where as

This might sound incredibly racist, but of course the Japanese are receiving it well. If it would work as an anime, it's going to be successful in Japan.

The game's about near-future armies with jetpacks and mechs!

That's because Dexter is a shadow of the show it once was. Seriously - go back and watch the first two seasons. And then look at what we have now. It should've ended ages ago.

To this day, I still feel that Burnout 3 looks like an early PS3 title as opposed to a PS2 game. Graphics were incredible for that tech!

Excellent article. I agree, though I understand why people find review scores so attractive. It's almost like a shorthand to quickly express how much the reviewer enjoyed an experience. But it runs into problems fast.

IGN, for example, give 10s based not on perfection, but on how much that game innovates and

Burning Question: Will Grand Theft Auto V's success have a negative impact on the early days of the next generation consoles?

Kotaku podcasts?! Yaaaaaaaaaaay! :D

Breakout titles like Slender and Amnesia seem to have kickstarted a small movement, being followed up by games like Outlast. I suspect we'll see more similar titles in the near future. Post-Amnesia horror games, if you will, where the player lacks weapons and is pursued throughout an unsettling environment.

My girlfriend just isn't into videogames. I feel really bad playing them when she comes over instead of us spending time doing stuff together, so for the most part I put gaming aside until I can get some downtime on my own.

It's a shame, but it's not a deal-breaker. And thankfully for her, I have quite a compassionate

Black 2, please?

Or perhaps not understanding the intro, or missing the bit where the soldier 'sticks' to the drone?