Dropping it down the toilet would still brick it. Only there'd be more bricks!
Dropping it down the toilet would still brick it. Only there'd be more bricks!
Slender: The Eight Pages
But then Liberty City HD was actually a pretty small map, it was just really dense and detailed. You could fly across it in 30 seconds.
I'd like to know how big this map is in comparison to Just Cause 2.
I just don't think he ever considered that side of things. He's not the brightest tool in the box. And I think his growing affections for people just came with age. First there was the sleeping around (i.e. in the pilot episode with the neighbour), then there was the steady girlfriend in Jane, and then there was the…
I suppose that game's mechanics must feel terrible now. Still...I think a huge part of GTA V's appeal is the fact that it's returning to San Andreas. I'm sure it'll still be great if you're not overly-familiar with that world, but the nostalgic value will mean a lot to those who did play SA.
You missed San Andreas?!
I didn't think it looked that big until I saw the scale comparison on this article...assuming that's accurate, anyway!
You should've said, "and there's the offline"! ;)
Production values look amazing, as usual, and the writing sounds pretty good - but this trailer doesn't make me want this game. I'm really not looking for another cover-based military FPS.
The post-COD4 era is starting to come to an end, I think. We need some kind of new innovation in the FPS genre to freshen things…
On the contrary, I think Jesse becomes more likeable with every season, while staying true to his character. It's a believable progression.
That last point about the money in the desert seems very likely given the Ozymandias reference. It would literally be a parallel of that poem, with Walt's fallen empire being represented by his barrels of money as opposed to ancient ruins.
I really wish this game was called Beyond Two Souls, as opposed to Beyond: Two Souls.
Anybody else? Just me?
I don't understand why people are kicking up such a fuss over that. There are around 80 scenes in Beyond: Two Souls, that section of the story no doubt only takes a handful of them. And besides, it's not like those sections are going to be played as a cover shooter - it's interactive drama about a girl with psychic…
Better yet, how about one with both? We need more games like The Last of Us!
For Heavy Rain they had an actual architect design all of the environments, so I wouldn't be surprised if they hired people to look up actual furniture and arrange it in a catalogue-style manner.
I like his aim with the project!
My hurry is that it's been 7 years since the last technological upgrade. I don't want to have to get the PS4 later on and rush through a huge backlog of games, I'd rather have the console right from the start and experience its life cycle right from the start.
I wish more developers would do what Irrational did with Bioshock: Infinite and feature a reversible, classier cover on the inside. That way everybody wins. The PR guys do their job and sell as many copies as possible, and the consumer can proudly display their purchased games.
Judging by the stuff blowing around at Aiden's feet at the start of the demo, I'd say it's PS4.
I'm gonna feel like this game has been out for ages when I finally get a chance to play it. Ubisoft haven't exactly been holding back with the PR.