It's because fantasy worlds and future worlds are always the same ones.
It's because fantasy worlds and future worlds are always the same ones.
It's hard to discuss this without sounding anti-transgender, but I think I see it as at least partially a mental disorder. Perhaps more of a personality disorder. But then again, I think the same thing can be said in many cases for homosexuality and bisexuality. I'm pro-LGBT in terms of rights, but there are those in…
I agree, I've never read a comic with realistic dialogue save Maus, and the dialogue was really awkward and hard to read in that as a result. I find it particularly bad with narration, there's never any subtlety, especially when trying to convey psychology in the first person. It always comes across as too obvious.…
Suddenly, Hazel had been born into the world. Apparently, Life was a job without instructions. Back in those early days, she was perpetually lost, confused, and all was void to her. And then she grew, and developed, and could see her environment for the first time. Shades of light, cloudy, vague, drifting in and out…
AHS is really, really watchable garbage. I think somebody said that about the first season. The editing and pacing are both far too fast, and the writing is god-awful, and yet it's so fucking crazy that it's entertaining to watch it all unfold. It's like watching a movie you know got bad still find…
People always say regular exercise is good for you and helps you live longer...and yet, ever since I've started working out, I feel tired and worn-out all the time, and I generally feel like I'm weaker and I'm dying at a much, much more accelerated rate. Though maybe that's just me. I must be 7-8 months into…
What's the song called? That seems like something you should have included in the article! :P
Fuck ethics, science is awesome!
My lucid dreams need a Brazzers logo in the corner.
Ooooooooooh, I get you now! :)
Surely killing yourself based on future knowledge is impossible anyway? For example, Young Joe kills himself to stop Old Joe...but if he killed himself in the past, then Old Joe wouldn't exist to be able to come back and give Young Joe a reason to commit suicide, and so he never would have.
Hold up, the first part made sense...but then you asserted that it's also stupid to believe in a lie because you're afraid it might be true. So in essence, that would mean it was stupid to believe in the truth. I'm pretty sure that's not what you meant to say! XD
I don't understand why everybody is so hostile to Ayn Rand, more so than any other author I can think of. I've only read "Anthem", mind, but nothing in that struck me as overly selfish philosophy? It essentially stated that creations should belong to the creator. I know that Atlas Shrugged is her big work, is there…
No Slenderman costumes? C'mon, there's gonna be loads of them this year! Have you seen the hilarious morphsuit?! XD
I'm guessing that "particularly gory scene" was THAT scene in the glitch killer segment? That'll stay with me for years to come!
Typo in the last paragraph: you call Yevgeny "Evgeny".
I don't like the feel of their games, they feel very clinical, sterile and soulless.
I love found footage. I really can't explain why, I just tend to enjoy such movies. It's a nice framing device. Most of the criticism seems to come from shaky camerawork causing motion sickness. I actually get motion sickness, but never from movies. And the shakiness doesn't annoy me. I don't understand how it can…
The Paranormal Activity movies have actually costed surprising amounts to make, mostly due to visual effects and the MASSIVE fucking houses they've featured I think. But yeah, they do make huge profits due to the fact that they're very popular movies. They've almost become a Halloween tradition.
Lol, did you not know that? That's one of his characteristic traits. Wolverines are small but fierce - that's meant to be his gimmick.