Gary Alexander Stott

Greatest. Article. Ever.

The bottom line is, religion can only work in games if you suspend your belief.

@ExploadingAlah: Listen, let's just end this little feud, because I think we can both agree that we're never going to reach a balanced conclusion, and it's just going to go on and on. I don't know about you, but I'm not exactly enjoying this, so let's just call it quits. If you're going to reply, make it a one-word

@Hinora: Not fashion-wise, just physically! He looks like a human being from the 80s! xD

@NotoriousGOD: Haha, nice to see other people have picked up on the awful one-liners at the start of EVERY CSI: Miami episode!

Is it just me, or does the photo look like it was taken in the 80s? xD

Nice to see a Hitchhiker's reference ;)

I actually believed this until I remembered it was April Fools! It would make sense, Kotaku's reporting on him has been far from flattering!

@ExploadingAlah: I'm not a hacker, pirate, or criminal of any kind. Unless Orwell's prediction of Thoughtcrime has become a reality. Your beliefs are very liberal. The whole idea of both freedom and order being able to co-exist, in this case, order. Freedom is anarchy, order is control. They can't co-exist. Again,

@ExploadingAlah: It's not stealing, it's illegal copying - stealing would be taking the code away from the developers; he was copying it. There are no disadvantages to either party.

That's an AWESOME way to protest! I hope their numbers grow every year!

@ExploadingAlah: No, I just oppose a lot of the features of modern societies. If he was going to release the code online, fair enough, that damages a business economically, and therefore, the society, but if he really was just going to play the game and show it to a few friends, then it's a negligible financial loss,

@VincentGrey: Keep in mind that Treyarch made Call of Duty: World at War. Which, personally, was a perfectly acceptable game in my eyes, but I know it has it's haters.

This looks shit. The gameplay looks very last-generation, and the premise sounds really, really gimmicky. I can't see this game bringing the series back to it's glory days.

Ah, just let him be. The law should only act on people who pose a danger to their society. This is petty stuff, here.

People, let's be fair here, Heavy Rain DID have it's problems visually. Pop-in, slow-loading textures and occasional texture errors were present. Doesn't stop it from being one of the best games released in recent years, but it's not perfect.

The SD shots look better! xD

I didn't know any of them :O

You could do that in the original Dead Space though! Well, apart from nailing them to walls, but you could use their blade appendages as weapons using Kinesis.

That particular limit is understandable as it takes place during the game's early tutorial stages, and it's trying to show the player how to play the game, rather than letting them run off.