Gary Alexander Stott

"Stimulus package"; I hate all these Newspeak terms. It's money!

That was a tiny bit fantastic!

Our industry truly is one of quirky randomness.

"...And one assailant decided to do a little hacking of his own".

Perhaps it's a PSN-based game that focuses on one of the "lost" stories from God of War I's bonuses, like Kratos' brother in Hades (if that wasn't referring to Hercules) or the modern-day Cronos story. Although GoW III sort of contradicts that story.

@jasoncourt: I think it's generally because most players will instinctively WANT to press it multiple times; it's kind of a good time to call out your son's name. The criticism comes from the fact that there are only three recordings, and s0 it ends up sounding really weird. Particularly the one that goes "Jaaaason!".

I don't know how young the girl is, so I won't post what I'm thinking about her ;)

@DaemonGildas: God of War didn't need sequels?! It would have been fine as a standalone game, but Jaffe has said from the beginning that there was this huge story planned for GoW over the course of three games. The reason the first had a kind of final ending was because they didn't know if it would be successful

@tok1879: Nobody has anything against Sony DEVS, just Sony; it's because they're often the source of false promises, delays and poor handling. Devs like Sony Santa Monica though are the best at what they do.

God of War III should be one of the biggest releases of this year. Can't fucking wait!

I know about half of them I think, and that's because most of them have the standard "FPS, Male, Buzz Cut" look!

Go Russia!

Oh my god, Jack Thompson hasn't left our industry alone yet?! What a sad, pathetic little man.

Amazing trailer; although they'll never capture that amount of perfect action in the game.

@NeVeRMoRe666: I know, that's perfectly reasonable - the exit wound has JUST been created! xD

Guys, look at the front cover of God of War (PAL) - you see the fire on Kratos's blade? Looks EXACTLY like the fire on Helios's chariot! I'd say they've done a good job on the graphics ;)

@oogabubchub: It's confirmed that Hitman 5 is in the works.

@2001: A Space Odyssey: I think the very fact that the first game didn't have multiplayer is proof that Portal isn't a game that needs it. The second game getting multiplayer is a symptom of sequelitis!

@DarkPGR: Definitely play collection, it's not greed by Sony, it's their right as human beings to make as many humans as possible experience those wonderful two games!

@RockyRan: Not to mention the weird sounds you hear, like water dripping :s