
As someone who's scrambling to get a job, this has been one of the strangest articles and comments section to read all year. There are just as many industry vets defending crunches as there are saying crunches aren't necessary. Someone please tell me it isn't all a large dose of suck that eventually produces something

I listened to some of the commentary about the episode, and it just pisses me off. Firstly, Lucas didn't even know what a vibroblade was. He literally had never heard of one before, and he decided that vibroblades are a bad idea because they make lightsabers less "special." I think that's ridiculous for several

I'm with you on that. I wonder if the fiasco surrounding the CG series Mando's versus Karen Travess' Mandos has anything to do with it.

This is one of the reasons why I love Bungie. Say what you will about their quality as game developers, it seems as though the top guys at the studio put a lot more heart into their games than other big studios. This kind of support for indie game developers shows that they're not just in it for the money, but really

I can't tell if the psych eval. of Bay is tongue in cheek or not... Don't writers write the script, kinda ruining the idea that Bay put any effort at all into the plot?

Giving Flash a vehicle for land based transportation that doesn't involve some type of specialized terrain negotiation seems like the pinnacle of waste...

Ha, I actually know the music... It's a Snuffel by Equilibrium. I had to cheat a bit though by looking at the trailer on youtube, but I knew I recognized it...

I can appreciate where he's coming from with respect to the living breathing real world aspect they're going for with E.V.E.. I don't think his ideas are ridiculous, but the effect of them is a little wonky. If I were them, I'd wait a month or two to see if it catches on at all, and if it doesn't, then lower the

When I read about all the stuff you could do in SWG, and when I watched the trailers for the game, I was beyond pumped. I fantasized so hard about building a little house for myself on Naboo or some other jungle swampy area, and living my life as a bounty hunter with a sweet speeder bike. Then I played, and I was

I love what I'm hearing, and I'm digging the trailer. They're clearly doing their own take on Silent Hill, but in the process they're trying to bring out the quality of the older games. I really hope this balances out the combat. I think fighting enemies is an area where survival horror games tend to miss out on

That's a fair point. but if we're talking about movie adaptations then I meant to imply that there's more, richer material to pull from than just the shoddy storytelling in the games. It's not so much a game adaptation anymore as it is a franchise adaptation.

That is the coolest thing I've seen all day! I want like, a hundred of them, and I will make them do tricks in my backyard on the 4th of July. Psh, fireworks? I've got KILOBOTS.

Fair enough. I would be unnerved by suddenly wanting to shove bananas in their hands and groom them for parasitic insects.

No shame in still having Transformers. I've seen a grown man litter his work station with 'em. Known as the awesome Transformers guy. Either way, I see what you mean now. I can dig it. (And fail on Junkions misspell. I'm on a role with that today.)

Man. So much more pumped to find a job now. Woo. At least now I'm a little less naive.

I think that's a fair point. We live in a time where a man holding a door open for a woman might be seen as offensive or polite, and it's a total crap-shoot. Even so, I think the guys could have been more transparent about the event, and rather than say it wasn't for her they could have simply warned her about what

I'm not a girl but I think that would be fucking hilarious. Dead or Alive Xtreme Beach Volleyball would have been perfect for this kind of thing. If there was a PR event involving Adonis-style male strippers, I'd be laughing or feeling ridiculously intimidated depending on my sexual confidence at the time. Either way,

I'm actually a little shocked that industry professionals would act that way. I assumed that being a professional meant you would hold yourself to some fucking standards while promoting your game, even in a festive atmosphere. My hat is forever off to anyone who strives to class up the joint.

Firstly, my post was mostly tongue in cheek. Although I do coddle these secret hopes, I'm not seriously beholden to them as you seem to believe.

Is there anyone else out there who fantasizes about a complete Transformers live action reboot in about 10 or 15 years that doesn't suck and has a heavy metal band associated with the score rather than Linkin Park? Or am I crazy? Let me rephrase that. What other crazy ass motherfuckers want see Transformers live