
See, this is why all that Disney-esque prince/princess stuff is a bunch of bullshit with long term negative repercussions for those of us who bought into it. In reality, there aren't a group of playboys turning moral and snapping up all the hot loyal chicks, it's a bunch of people fucking each other and occasionally

Damn, sorry to hear the story end that way, but that administrator sounds like a badass. I swear to myself every time I consider teaching high school English that I'll put up posters of video game and anime characters in the classroom and SOMEHOW make parents okay with it. That or just hoard nerds during lunch. (As a

Wow, using analogue games to teach math? Who woulda thought... Considering how complex some of these games can get, the potential for utilizing them as a math tool is ridiculous. I had a friend devise an algorithm to determine what units out of the Grey Knights army list in Warhammer 40k to take to produce the highest

I fail as an Invader Zim fan... But anyway, like I said it depends on what mood I'm in. When I watched that video it was a little disconcerting, but if I actually played the game I might think it's hilarious.

The only funny thing in both of those videos was the, "get back to Japan you freak," bit. I can see almost everything in those videos being funny in a certain context, but a lot of it was just flat and crass. If you're going to have shock-value humor, it should have cleverness, wit, or intelligence to it. I don't

No, he didn't. He compared their development periods. And hey, Gears has some stuff going for it. A lot of people think they're fun to play, and even though the games didn't make a strong push for high quality plots and characters, the books expanded on that immensely.

I like the sound of this... But come on, DoWIII already??? I seriously hope that this game comes out with some pretty big innovations. It feels like they might be trying to push something out to make up for low multilayer numbers in DoWII... But who knows. Let's hope it rocks!

I really don't agree with blackballing reviewers for bad reviews. If they persistently post rushed, botched, and sloppy reviews, then I could understand since that's just bad business, but I think developers should be as transparent as possible. Sucks for Duke, but it's out, right? I'd probably pick it up if i had the

There's a difference between an accident caused by circumstances out of your control and an accident caused by reckless driving. If they slipped on a patch of black ice and the car went out of control, I'm not sure they'd be charged with much of anything. Grabbing the wheel for someone on a highway is reckless and

I disagree the point of cosplay is to look as much like the character as possible. It's like video games...some of them go for super realism, some don't. I've seen plenty of fun cosplay that are either really close or do something zany and fun which are perfectly good. This Chell is awesome.

I love this. This little moment of Liberalism smacking up against what it constantly speaks for is hilarious.

That's fair enough. I agree her clothes are fairly ridiculous, and compared to other outfits, her IV costume was lacking.

Am I the only person on the face of the planet who cares about Ivy's backstory, doesn't see her purely as a sex object, and doesn't have major issues with her clothing choices? I feel like I'm taking crazy pills. Yeah, her tits are huge, but there are real women with the same bust size. Okay, so they've gotten

That would be awesome. The only thing that would break it is if people whipped out their phones and said, "eff what this game is doing to me, I'll just try to beat it." There are tons of ways you could screw with two living people to scare them, but sometimes adding even one more person turns the mentality from "oh

I can understand why some people would find this creepy, but I really don't think it is. The majority of my friends have some degree of screwed up familial issues, and by screwed up I mean some kind of abuse took place, and I'd rather see more people pulling off this kind of love than turning into utterly miserable

Are you hoping you have a fondness for them when they're wearing coke bottle glasses, wearing vintage clothes, and playing with empty PBR cans? 'Cause that's super hip.

I love this franchise, and I often fantasize about seeing it in live action and video game tie-ins in general. But whatever... I'll just have to become a super badass who starts a video game franchise, oversees it through the course of roughly ten years, and also happens to direct/produce/write and therefore takes

If this happened I would dance in the street. And then a car would probably hit me and I could die. But it wouldn't matter, because I could die happy.

God. Fucking. Damnit.

I love Devil May Cry so much I forced a classroom full of senior Lit. majors to hear a presentation about DMC3 and its themes etc.. I'm willing to give this a shot, because even though they're changing a lot they did say they're trying to use this game to explain a lot of the totems and ideas present throughout the