
It's a different boot than the $260 Vapen. It's the replacement for the Zoom Ite which was also $400+. Personally I like the Vapens because I prefer a softer boot.

The Lunarendor is the top of Nike's line this year. the non LED version is $460.

Last month Queensland enacted a bunch of tough laws targeting motorcycle gangs.

I have degenerative disc disease, 4 slipped discs and a spondylosis. Due to football, snowboarding and improper weight lifting. My back used to go out every 3 or 4 years but I haven't had an incident in a decade due to this routine:

America doesn't have bad infrastructure because of "anti government" it's because nobody thinks about infrastructure until it becomes untenable and most of America is broke.

Spain's economy as a whole is fucked but Madrid and Barcelona are doing very well.

It's depressing that Minneapolis is either ranked #1 or #2 in the country for bicyclists, because it's really not that great.


We may or may not be living in the holocene but I'm def living in the #YOLOCENE, not the anthropocene.

Plus, over 40% of the tax revenue in NYC comes from the Wall Street guys everyone hates. Maybe it would make it more appealing if they were framed like, look, we are ripping off Goldman Sachs traders to pay for these stupid signs?

I've not found good burritos in a lot of states. Most of them, actually. NYC is a particular burrito wasteland. California is still your best bet. The main problem is outside of SF and SD nobody ever wraps them tight enough. It's ends up being a big floppy mess.

Arizona's real solution: Grandpa driving Land Rover has heart attack, drives off road into cactus. Militia member 42 year old son living at home hears about it, goes to shoot Sikh who owns the local gas station.

Western Canada's weather seems to be affected by the El Niño/La Niña water oscillations.

Iran, Iraq & Pakistan are not the same as the arab sheikdom states in the gulf like Dubai and Qatar.

It's always been weird to me that the USA's military operates like an entirely separate country with it's own laws and courts. Do other countries do the same thing?

Maybe you went to a school that had academic standards. I don't remember ever doing homework and I was class salutatorian.

In my town there were a dozen coaches for the hockey team, but they were also the teachers at the school. A football field doesn't necessarily cost very much money, even if it's big. It's just bleachers and a field. A misguided local businessman probably donated funds for the flaming statues. Where I grew up a former

It is pretty much what every town in America of 20,000 or less is like. Good luck trying to fix that situation.

If you've never heard of a town investing that many resources into high school football you've never been to Texas.

When I was in high school I signed up for as much extracurricular crap as possible which would get me out of class. Football actually isn't the best sport for this as there are not very many games. Basketball is probably the best, or where I grew up, hockey. Track and field was good, band and orchestra, quiz bowl,