
I clearly went to the wrong college. This looks great. This video is for women, though? It’s like a cheesecake video. I guess I still don’t get that part of women’s psychology.

The current AirBNB situation in NOLA is very strange. It seems like there are entire neighborhoods in which every residence is an AirBNB. I am planning a first time trip there, and frankly am overwhelmed by the choices.

I hate the Vikings, which has made me a pariah in my family. However, throughout history of the franchise they are overall about as good as the Raiders. They are probably the best team that has never made it to the Super Bowl?

Hard to find much to argue with here. However, Jonathan Franzen is not from Minnesota.

Why is the illustration a pumpkin pie pac-man eating a drumstick?

Everyone in America hates squids even if they are riding properly. These wild out videos just confirm what everyone was thinking about sport bike riders anyway.

Nah... he's right.

pretty much every motorcyclist in WI is armed

it is the law in california

When has a delay in Denver ever been caused by the roof? Delays in Denver are almost always the result of system wide issues, not weather in Denver. When there are weather delays, they are usually wind related.

The other issue is that the Chinese elite decide who gets to be rich.

at least the arabs know how to drive!

Ferrari is only like that with certain cars, I think. We bought one back for the web design company I worked at back in the 90s, and we were certainly young douchenozzles.

You also get rich south americans in Boston. A friend of mine had a Range Rover which he would just park on the sidewalk in Harvard square and turn on the hazards while he went to the movie. He somehow broke an axle (is that possible?) in a parking garage and then just left it there to be towed away and bought another

do you really get your credit run to adopt a pet??

News anchors in ND make $17.50 an hour.

I have a cinema display too but never really use it.

We almost all work on laptops

where were they selling them? was that another thing? (wasn't there another story about that recently?)

Isn't an anonymous exchange where people sell assassination services actually kind of dangerous for the public?