Why would they be in denial if the poll isn't accurate? You sound pretty salty yourself lol
Why would they be in denial if the poll isn't accurate? You sound pretty salty yourself lol
Right, so majority of xbox fans are all talk with no money
It's a service, you don't need to use it or like it. I think it offers more choice. Especially for those who want a knock out a game with no hassle. Gamers always bring up "price" even though Gaming is one of the cheapest forms of entertainment per value. Gaming is a hobby, if you have a problem with price, it sounds…
Funny thing, what you said seems more fitting towards your comment
When it's a key to one's survival and 100% of your kind do it, it's not an addiction. Are you addicted to sleep, going to the bathroom, and eating as well? sigh
Getting a Dynasty Warriors vibe
80 million units sold is a fail? Sure, it got destroyed by the DS but it certainly was not a fail in it's lifetime. the Xbox 360 sold about 81 million units, was that a fail as well?
This game looked really good even for the little bit they showed
Yeah. That's my major reason. I am interested in a couple titles but I can wait.
You acted like a drama queen first then you call him an idiot. You have some serious social issues
lol thx for the laugh
"These games rewire your brain. We don't even know what they do yet." lol poor guy is lost
BS. If money wasn't an issue you wouldn't feel the need of justifying the price by bringing up how you only want two games atm. You do realize a console is a 5 year investment if not longer. Do you really need all of those games out before you purchase the platform? You buy something because you know it's worth it,…
Well considering the years the previous titles came out they would be 'old gen', so congrats on being obvious, but they were great at their time. Hated Witcher? it's a great story, with meaningful long side quests and fantastic fleshed out characters. If you wanted complex gameplay you are looking at action games or…
You sound like a douche and you really need to stop caring or 'fighting' with fanboys it only makes your life look more pathetic
(2006) Resistance, (2007) Uncharted, (2008) Metal Gear Solid 4
not sure why? oh.. I don't know.. maybe because many of the potential CEOs and ones in charge has stated they want to sell it? I take it you find things hard to comprehend when it shakes the bubble you live in
He's a fanboy of the saddest kind
lol someone's hurt