
Yeah, after he failed to 'crush' Final Fantasy and his company was hurting. he claimed Last Story was going to be his final game then retire. After that game he I believe went on to do some mobile game and disappeared. If microsoft pays for these guys again they are just burning money. Xbox crowd does not like jrpgs.

I bet you don't even have a vita

As if anyone with an Xbox cares lol. Blue Dragon failed, Lost Odyssey sales failed. His Cry On was canceled. and he had to bring Blue Dragon to the Nintendo to make profits. Microsoft left Mystwalker out to dry after their contract. Now matter how awesome a new exclusive jrpg would be for the Xcrap, all the fanboys

news is, it's deep into development, more people have been added to finish it up quicker and is scheduled to come out this year

You sound like a waste of time. You know so much about the games and situations of the companies behind said consoles and yet, ask strangers for opinions. You claim to value Shane's opinion when he's all about deals. The PS4 is the OBVIOUS choice not only for exclusives, gaming in general, but in savings as well. How

Definitely the year of the rpg, wow. Banner Saga, Blackguards, FF13-3, Dark Souls 2, Braverly Default, Bound by Flame, Divinity OS, Sacred 3, Pillars of Eternity, Witcher 3, Dragon Age 3, FF15, Soul Sacrifice Delta, Fairy Fencer F, and many many more like Diablo 3 RoS and FF10-10x2.

good thing no one is trying to

of course its off, it's basically prostitution. Selling a sexual act in exchange for a service is illegal

If you game on PC. You miss out on a large chunk of great exclusives. You get games from a month to a year late, you have no mp community (even COD is dead). It's difficult to play Action/Adventure games unless you use a controller and if you use one of those it makes PC sort of pointless. so basically you sacrifice a

except this isn't an 'old' game, it's less than a year old.

too bad? He is making way more money than you and has his own tv show based on his humor. Only person to feel sorry for is you

I was just like you. I got fed up with the glitches, bugs, hacks, noobtubes, nades, etc of MW2 that I swore it off. I decided to give Ghosts a try especially with that Amazon PS4 deal. Turns out, I love it! Why? no rpgs, hardly any air support, no awful killstreaks, next to no nades, only seen a handful of tubes.

You're the kind of idiot who has no hope and rushes to give their useless opinion without reading, watching, or learning a damn thing

Let me know when your horror game comes out... yeah.

stage 4? ouch in itself not to mention the bills. sad. I wish people with a lot of money to give somehow find this story

Oh look, another angry unemployed Xbox player.. imagine that. If you reply with hate, you just prove it more

Maybe you should stop telling others to get a life and worry more about yours. Eating fastfood tells us how terrible you take care of yourself, how much you love your body, and most likely that you are overweight and leading down the road of heart disease and diabetes. Irony, of telling someone to better themselves

It actually is. The characters are really fleshed out and deeper. I also like how Dante isn't such a pushover Momma's boy.

I'm sure you did that's why you have no picture?

positive xbox news? lol that was funny