
if you notice the Xbox is on and it's known for more heat and vents, cats love heat (look at them all over laptops) the PS4 isn't even turned on

PC losers posting reasons why they feel PC is better lol. PC is so good that's why their sales are terrible, have no good games and the community is garbage if you find any. PC is so good you can't find anyone who cares in real life. All PC games are either indie, free to play, or RTS. boring like them. Keep building

Every Xbox One owner I've seen stream or review hates that game. The only saving grace it has is the graphics and that's a duh because it's Crytek, that's all they are known for.

So you have a vita the least wanted platform in years and yet want to pass up the best platform aka most powerful console ever created.. a console that broke sales history. You really sure know how to make good decisions lol

Or we just cue someone like you who does both and looks like a douche. Let's prevent all social interaction on the net and you just speak for everyone, would you like that attention whore? I mean seriously, what did you expect from this post? Show off your prediction skills? If you know the future comments, why not

No. Humans in general can never be satisfied. Geeks are the worst because they live through these experiences

Holy crap that's a huge difference. Why Xbox so bad?

interesting combat system....really? You mean the colors for attacking? that's Heavenly Sword. You mean the mindless hack n slash.. that's Dynasty Warriors. You mean the gruesome kills? that's Legends of Troy. Enjoy last gen on your Xbox One

You can't tell the difference between 900p and 1080p? wow, I guess you could save a lot of money in your blind lifetime

substitute cable box that turns your surround sound home theater into stereo lol


It's defective, it's not an issue. Have you ever built a PC and got a piece of ram, mobo, or hdd doa? same stuff here. Hell, I've received smart phones dead out of the box at verizon. There is nothing wrong how it's built.

obvious? really? have you not seen the packaging? Funny isn't it that those from Amazon are the only ones complaining as well?

Well said

Then there is comments like yours with both

Surprised no one put up Halo Reach: Deliver Hope


What if I told you he's neither and you are a horrible guesser.

Doubtful. You think someone would rent a game for $3 would pay $10 for a little mission or two? lol. Renters are game rushers. money savers.

We all share a common love for games. I will never judge a person for the types of games they prefer because what we find fun is always different to others. Let's face it, we all care about graphics and how smooth a game can run, some more than others but it's important. Who wouldn't want the better version for the