
Notice the Sambo imagery in the game's title screen? White supremacy continues. By the way, Israel is a genocidal apartheid state. Anyone who supports Israel at this point, supports white supremacy and genocide. I do not care who or what I offend.

By electing politicians who have the courage to enact strict regulations that favor smaller, less powerful corporations and thus, competition...

Vote Republican :)

I didn't read it wrong, you're replying to Jamie, telling him about how that guy is a "moron". He's not a moron, you're a moron for not understanding his joke.

So having more competition means that businesses have to work to earn your business. What a novel idea.

It's called Bomb Gaza. Not Bomb Hamas.

Now he'll get $15.

My main problem with GameStop is the price. Specifically, the price stickers.

Did you just call Pikmin crappy?

You know what ends up happening when you play games with this kind of stuff?

Sure, secret societies exist, but if you believe any of them have an agenda to control political and world events, then you're a fucking nut job psychopathic imbecile conspiracy theorist.

They have been hiding in plain site for thousands of years, they rely on people's ignorance and predictability as egomaniacs.

I'll give you some credit in pointing out the really bad Designers, but nowadays, to make it as a Designer, you better have a very clear understanding of Art + Programming Resources, and how to script and program.

A lot of Designers do their job because Programmers and Artists have no clue as to the best interest of a

You've just described a bad designer...and yeah, there's a ton of them. A good game designer, though, will know a lot about every aspect of the development process. It's crucial both so they can make the right decisions for the game but also because a good designer provides the cohesive vision for the game and they

If you are talking about game designers that graduated from those Game Design school then you might be right on the money that they know nothing about actual art or programming. If you must know, these type of designers graduate usually end up working at EB Games or Gamestop instead of working for major publisher.

Wow... talk about ignorance. I've been a designer for 9 years, and I can easily say that your assumption couldn't be further from the truth.

Most designers I've worked with are the complete opposite, at least the ones who want to stay employed. They need to know some programming, some art, production, and basically

What's your source for this? Because as I understood it , you can't even get to the position of game designer unless you've done some code, or some level design or something.

Did you just say most designers know nothing about actual art or programming? Thats like saying an Architect has no idea about carpentry or plumbing. You may from your experience have worked with designers that may not but living up to your expectations but it is a GREAT Designers job to understand the inner workings

That sounds like a 'game designer' to me, rather than a "Game Designer". The former being the sort of people who 'have an idea for a game'. The latter being the type who act as competent directors of projects.