
Comes with the territory, has for years and years now. If you're in that sort of role, you expect it. If you don't like it, make a move. I work nowhere near the games industry, but there have been MANY times in my career where I would have to put in 16+ hour days, weekends, etc to meet a deadline. Any job worth a damn

Hi Adam, thanks for the reply. I think the statement I was going after was the "no known differences between these two sugars". The USC studies seem to indicate there are differences in how the body responds to the two sugars. The video series was pretty specific about the unique problems posed by HFCS—including

Now playing

Yeah sorry, I'm going with this guy's info on corn syrup.

The FDA is owned by big pharma, so it's hard to take them seriously.

Haytham was good, yes. From the scene in the opera house until the big reveal he was thoroughly engaging. By the end it was over I was starting to wish you could just keep playing as him, despite how vain and cruel he was.

The depressing thing here is that no-one asks the question: WHY is healthcare so expensive? Time did a whole piece maybe a year ago called 'A Bitter Pill', talking about how hospitals will charge you nearly a hundred bucks for an Advil or how a 5 minute ambulance ride costs 5000 dollars. Hospitals have these things

There's no such thing as a free lunch.

I was honestly shocked that the next AC wasn't a side-sequel (a la Brotherhood) that followed an older Connor as he travelled to France during the French Revolution. The timeline would synch up pretty perfectly, not to mention the existing historical connections between those two periods of history.

This actually looks waaaaaaaaaaaaay more interesting than Edward Kenway.

People never will, because it was hilarious.

"I enjoy having my ability to say and do whatever I want, but if I find something offensive the person behind it needs to compromise their free speech to appease me."

i dont think that was walts catchphrase though. walt's catchphrase was "Jesse!"

Oh man, I bet Obama will be really happy to find out that there are innocent prisoners in US military and civilian prisons that he totally has the authority to free!

I hope Jesse kills Walt. Walt ruined his life.

"I am the one who knocks... boots.

I'd never actually heard of this (=I'm too old, no doubt). Guess for the next concert I'll have to practice my football throw, open end forward.

Let's compare apples to apples, do you work in a company that is principally software development?

With cases like this, they'll try to turn it into a class action lawsuit. With that in hand, they'll go after Gamestop on behalf of a hundred thousand or two hundred thousand potentially injured people. Gamestop will settle out of court and put a sum in escrow for settling with the injured pool. Each person in the

So, having a generic idea that anyone could have is "work"? Please, study the literature: the patent system is bad, broken and against innovation and progress. Patents shouldn't exist.