
Casey, we're in July now. "This Friday June 12th and Saturday June 13th, Best Buy is doing a trade-in event where it'll give you a $200 gift card for your old iPads."

It's not a good idea to ever sell your old communications electronics. They often store personal data that can be hard to remove, even if you know what you're doing. Best Buy isn't just buying your tablet, they're buying your information to resell.

Yea, you should, especially if you enjoy Broken Sword. They look a bit dated now and the controls are kind of iffy, but once you get going, you don't really notice it any more. They're humorous and even have a built-in generous hint system for when you get stuck (no need to GameFaqs it). What's nice is that the

They'r not remaking anything. It's a new game in the series, picking up the plot where they left off with the previous games.

Phantasmagoria, 7th Guest, the previous Tex Murphy Games, and of course Wing Commander 3, 4, and 5. If you liked Gabriel Knight 2 (and why wouldn't you??), you'll likely enjoy these games as well.

4 Is a pretty good game, but it's pretty shallow in a lot of ways. I would argue that 7 is better than 4. However, there's no way 7 is better than 6. This isn't nostalgia speaking. 7 Is highly overrated, but doesn't come close to 6 in any aspect. Its story isn't as deep, the characters aren't as multidimensional, the


See? It's a good thing the government can watch, track, and find us. It's because freedom.

I thought there was something off about Telltale's Walking Dead Game. It just wasn't like the show!

I don't agree with everything you said here. Rights are individual rights, not group rights. The ability to assemble isn't a right of the group, but derived from the rights of each individual in that group - groups shouldn't have rights that individuals don't. The right to bear arms is not limited only to militias.

I'm not going to reply to the people who replied to this comment individually, but people around here need to start studying history.

The mere presence of a gun is enough to defend yourself. You don't have to use it to kill for it to be effective.

The main function of gun is self defense. Anyone who is not free to defend themselves is a slave.

Interesting you should bring up genocide, seeing as how gun control is leading cause of it.

The only crazy bug I came across was one in the area where you have to break the four gears off of an elevator to make it plummet through the bottom of the cage to get to a new area. The bug happened after the elevator broke through the bottom, and Lara jumps into the new area, she would die when crossing the

How's that kool-aid?

Just click on the image so you see it at full size, and the gears will move.

I never said this article wasn't belittling liberals. Gtfo with your assumptions. This site does have a pretty liberal slant when they dive into politics, which is what I was commenting on. Maybe I should have said "This article not included." But Jesus, you meerkats will jump on any opportunity to go on the attack,

For some reason, I felt like they had promised they'd show it in slow-motion, and was disappointed when the video ended.
