
A detailed understanding of economics would immediately discredit the venus project philosophy, which is based on some wildly flawed assumptions. I would suggest reading up on the Austrian school of economics. Read some books by Rothbard, Hazlitt, Hayek, Bastiat, and Friedman. When you're done with that, then you can

This comment presented to you by someone who has never studied economics.

If you've /really/ studied history, you would realize that freedom is not the norm, its the exception. The normal state of government is that of tyranny and despotism. It's much more common for a nation to go from relative freedom to dictatorship than it is for a dictatorship to be overthrown and replaced by a

This comment presented to you by someone who has never studied history.


The unfortunate reality is that some of this is accurate. Those who scoff at it have done very little research into the topics. Calling things you don't understand 'insane' or 'crazy' is not the action of a rational, critical thinking individual.

It's sad to see so many people with insult-based arguments replying to this comment, but I just wanted to throw it out there that you're not alone.

See? More blind trust. There's this attitude that our news is somehow better, and anyone who says otherwise is a conspiracy theorist, is stupid, is wrong, etc. It's sad, really.

The other replies to this comment illustrate the point that was being made: that there's a blind trust in American and European official news.