I see what you did there.
I see what you did there.
And to apply for one of these jobs at Merde-Lago, you are expected to apply by fax. Because I guess in this modern day, nobody uses courier pigeons anymore.
Uwe Boll acts like he doesn’t understand how marketing on a major feature works.
Tim Burton Batman is the best (filmed, live action) Batman.
There are not enough stars!
H2G2 reference FTW
I’d eat there a bunch if they didn’t douse their chips with lime juice. Ew.
They Might Be Giants reference =-> star.
...”’cause when they met, it was murder!”
Seth MacFarlane is a prophet. He totally called this shit years ago:
Is the dead horse a mustang?
Or, you know, “Evil Velocity.”
This news story proves satire is dead, but at least the good people of Archer tried to warn us.
Look at the shiny object!
Yes. Her deal is estimated at $100 million, plus a piece of back-end — which Netflix very rarely gives:
Do those 30-way power seats move back, and to the left?
Furikake. You’re welcome.
You have it exactly backwards.
Looks like some homemade body work in progress, with a coat of black primer over the top. Will be interesting to see what it looks like once it’s done.