In California, a “tolled highway” is known as a “toll road.”
In California, a “tolled highway” is known as a “toll road.”
Sherbet, sherbert, call it whatever, but how is it even still a thing, when sorbet tastes so vastly better?
Eh, even if one has to ferry out to a launchpad on one or both sides of the trip, it’s still a huge time savings vs. current commercial flights that can be up to 17 1/2 hours long to connect distant parts of the world. Plus, if that ferry takes you even half an hour to get from the landing pad to the dock downtown,…
Agreed - same problem on the back of current Kias as to which light does what.
Yeah, I might have gotten aboard the LC500's nose and even overlooked that Predator grill for once, if they hadn’t done the Nike swoosh turn signals and man-tear headlights.
Why on earth are they remaking it as a Western? Wasn’t it set in modern day?
Minimally-profitable? Try maximally-profitable:
Yeah, I was just saying FWD because originally part of the Hofmeister Kink’s purpose was to signal to people it was a RWD car - ergo - no kink should mean no RWD. Not that BMW pays attention to these things anymore.
Yeah, they’d be way better off if they’d just go ahead hire Peter Schreyer, who actually designs great-looking cars.
Excellent point!
Shepard Smith looks like a flesh-coated Thunderbird marionette.
Right you are - though I fell like somehow the 2nd-generation Intrepid more fully embodied the look of the concept.
They should have made this car. Suicide scissor doors, or not - that look was the best-looking thing ever to come out of any division of Chrysler.
Adam Reed already took care of this remake.
I had no idea. Somehow, that makes it even worse!
That particular style of Mini looks like it’s wearing a baseball cap backwards.
Whatcha gonna do with all that junk
Thank you for speaking well-informed sense into this discussion.