
This is yet another reminder that having a child does not suddenly make you an expert on literally anything, and that the act of birth is something that literally billions upon billions of people around the world, both very smart and incredibly fucking dumb, have done throughout millenia.

You whatever you want. Trade, be a pirate, hunt pirates, take tourists around, join a faction and fight enemies, mine valuable commodities, or just fly across the galaxy and never come back

Sigh. I’m hoping she just gets killed off in the first movie (yes there will be more). Isn’t Han’s faux wife supposed to be black anyway? When does she show up?

I have 100 percent interest in this.

I don’t know about charming, but he played a fairly likable character in Misfits. Very adorkable.

Is that the one reaching for...nothing.. in the photo?

“Right-click. Save As...”

If you’re willing to be the back half of a moose, I’ve got a plan...

It’s the distance that light can travel in 365 earth days. I don’t know what the conversion of actual lightspeed travel vs. earth years, but the idea is the closer you get to the speed of light the slower you experience time in regards to everyone on earth. Now time breaks in our understanding of the speed of light.

Nah man, it’s not as complicated as that. Light-year, just like Parsec is just a way to describe really huge distances. As in it is as far away as light will travel in one year. Light-year is much easier to say than 9,390,000,000,000 kilometers...

Honest question: do we really care THAT much about Barb? Because both my wife and I can’t make heads or tails about the outrage over her disappearance.

So dumb. And boring. I’d groan every time they’d flip back to those two as if I cared about that pretty low-stakes street fight. Why would I want to watch that when I could be watching drone versus hacker street racing, Djimon Hounsou in a helicopter, and a fists & snark filled beat down with Paul Walker (RIP) and

Mark drew first.

Uh... the Jimmy Jabs?

Sporty McSportface


Boycott covering the Sports event that shall not be named!!!

Here's the original picture, now that they've changed it:

They definitely changed the color scheme since this was originally posted, right?