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    Yeah when I’m playing Elite: Dangerous, I’ll chuck on the “Mission to Zyxx” podcast/audioplay/improv.

    At least these people have virtues to signal. You sound like just an utter asshole.

    The Division is dropping some DLC too, right? On the 8th, I think?

    There it is.

    I’m not suggesting otherwise. I absolutely agree that D2 at this point in it’s life is light years beyond what D1 was at this point in it’s life.

    I bet he had fun, the old tickler :D

    Why wouldn’t we compare them? This is how time works, you start at point A and move to point B, learning things along the way. The fact that the sequel repeats a bunch of the mistakes that they have been yelled at for 3 years for making is pretty damning.
    Just curious as to why your bar of expectation would be so

    There’s a dude on Kotaku who writes about the game Destiny. He’s been leading every article with a backhanded description for the last 3 years. Quality stuff :)

    Itachi Uchiha was a character from Naruto, not One Piece...

    ...actually, I’ll show myself out :D

    I reckon the odds are higher that there is an apology, over you throwing your TV out for there not being one.

    I don’t buy that. It doesn’t make you jump higher or shoot faster, true, but those aren’t the only reasons people play rpg-ish shoot’n-loots.

    “...who not only co-hosted his own video game podcast, The Indoor Kids...

    I’m down for another round of Prison! :D
    PSN: EpicNutz

    I got your back with TOOL ___(ง •̀_•́)ง___

    It’s gonna be one of those days, huh?

    I don’t have kids so my opinion comes from another angle. She obviously has kids and is responsible for their development to being happy and productive members of society, while my responsibilities mainly deep dive into the ‘try not to accidentally kill anyone’ category, while I

    fell down the internet hole and noticed that Negan seemed to be doing his best Uwe impression :D

    I THINK he’s talking about World of Warcraft? Didn’t something called Legion just happen? I dunno...

    Yeah, that was the one that opened my eyes to genuinely emotional experiences with videogames. Having played mainly fpsbropewpewpews before that, I thought my girlfriend was nuts to spend 20 bucks on a game that looked ... well, stupid. I sat down and played it one night, and didn’t stop until I had gone through a

    Have you played the old raids, and PoE? It won’t net you any light increase, but the VoG raid in particular is super fun to play. The mats you get can be sold for glimmer which is handy, and the weapons are still good for crucible (though using old weapons apparently locks you out of crucible rewards...).