
Journey is $15 and it takes about an hour or 1.5 hours to finish. I’ve purchased the game three times with no regrets. I also bought the soundtrack, too.

Try thinking of it like going to an upscale restaurant rather than a fast food chain. You’re paying for the quality of the experience, not the quantity of food or the time it takes.

I’m not sure you have ever seen one of his films, or know much about him. I’m a little embarrassed for you.

Huh? The women in his films have all the power, minus that one scene in clerks. WTF have you been watching?

Please. Woman here who is proud to work in the comic industry. Take you snobbery and go read a graphic novel because you’re severely misinformed about who should be reading comics, and at what age you should stop. Here’s a hint, it’s the same age you should give up on reading. Perhaps you’ve already done that and

which is a terrible way to live when you are in your 40s

i’m proud to report i haven’t played this regularly since november. I touched on the sparrow races briefly but other than that, i haven’t run a single raid/strike/mission since then. I just realized that after i had filed out the exotic blueprints that i really didn’t have anything to look forward to and grinding to

Know what would have been awesome? The Spider-Man for the Marvel Universe shown in Civil War could have been Maguire, older and battle-hardened... who retires at some point and hands the reins to Donald Glover. Also, we’d get J.K. Simmons back as Jameson.

Apparently not many people agree with you, but I certainly do. That he’s a “minor” character is irrelevant because first off, being the only real survivor of the Ultimate Universe proves he isn’t minor and second off, even if he were that doesn’t really exclude him from being a part of the MCU. MCU is more then

Are you willing to take a liberal Southerner as a refugee if you do this?

So far, no, I am still getting utility out of the free ones. One of the deterring factors to me even considering buying an emote is the fact that I can only equip one at a time.


If this is how their new free, constant updated content is going to be managed, I’ll buy as many sick dance moves as needed.

This game, man. It’s become the only game I’ve really put any time into for the past year. I’ve met some great friends, and had some great moments, and now that TTK is out I can’t stop playing.

I had to leave my apartment and go do homework at my sister’s just so I wouldn’t keep playing the other night. The Taken King has grabbed me back in.

Yeah, not really. For one, this daily heroic is going to come around sooner than later, Bungie has stated. Also, the Spindle isn’t nearly as game changing as Gjallarhorn was. It’s wildly difficult to land all three shots unless it is a raid boss that doesn’t do a crazy stagger animation. Additionally, the Spindle is

Rockin’ dat Hung Jury! Such a great scout rifle...

Now playing

..probably unrelated (and just a coincidence) but Doctor Who’s ‘Day of the Doctor’ theme sounds a lot like Mass Effects ‘Suicide mission’ theme

If you’re talking about that epic orchestral thing, that wasn’t EA, that was made by a group of guys who make stuff for movies and games, Two Steps From Hell. EA would have had nothing to do with that, that song is in other things too, they just paid to use the song.