
Because a piece of paper is so hard to come by.

Too bad he wrote on the fucking boxes.

Looks like it's ment for a tablet.

I put a Club 3D Radeon HD 7970 RoyalAce 3072 MB in my new system.

Got it for little under €300,- but looks like it's priced for €400 now.

Download code? I think the game comes pre-installed.

That would be my guess.

I intend to play with first gen PokéMon when I pick it up.

A simple and clean awnser.

Nah, it's always the cloud servers. Europe must not be a priority.

Nice that it's working for some people to organise stuff like this.
I'm still lucky if online works for an hour.

Mighty No. 9 it is not.

No thank you, I'll get that Zelda 3DSXL.

Ok, I'll guess I'll back this one on Kicksta... ehhh?

I saw a documentary about a similar thing also in Japan recently. You could rent people to act as a family member for weddings or whatever. During the documentary the main guy of this 'business' got hired to act as a father for a girl who's boyfriend wanted to ask her 'father' if they could move in together. He also

Too bad. At least I got the Lego Cuusoo BttF DeLorean in the mail just yesterday!

Why play it like that? I know it fits chronological, but story-wise you'll screw up some reveals. It never makes sense to me wanting to stick to chronology when the games are already released in a set order.

Though I'm sure you have enjoyed it in this particular way, anyway.

PAL version.

I remember picking up MGS at the store, and the guy begind the counter telling me it was a good choice. I don't remember why I picked it up though, pretty sure I hadn't read about it or anything. I think I just liked the art on the front.

Isn't there a new Childs Play movie comming out soon? Makes sense to release a Chucky game now if there is.