I don't think they actually are, that's the point.
I don't think they actually are, that's the point.
Oh look, painted nerf guns...
I got friends in low places.
At this point, I'm kind of sick of this guy.
I hope they make a game based on this!
It's really simple math
He probably did that because of games that turn even the smallest objects in your path into a ledge you can't simply walk past.
As much as they've stated cross-play and stuff.
Zone Mode.
Wipeout Pure followed by Pulse, kind of building up to 2048 and the fact that I probably won't have much reason to go back to these by that point since it'll all be 2048 for portability and HD/Fury for home.
All that technology and they still haven't been able to combat Lens Flare...
Sorry but I'm going to see it.
Beautifully relevant picture.
The human body consists primarily of water.
It's been up for 3 hours now....
Show them how bold you are.
If I must, I can just tether to my phone.
Well yes but I think thats a neat failsafe.
That's sheer brilliance, right there.