Jon Snow

I have that feel too... I hope I'm wrong, but I think I'm right.

I saw some comparison vids on YouTube, the only difference I saw was lighting, PS3 version was a little bland.

Did you... did you just read something I posted and didn't misinterpret and twist it to start a fanboy console war? Impressive.

Lol, good one. I haven't seen that one before.

Can you install games to external drives on PS3? Wouldn't that inhibit read speeds? If I were you I'd erase some old or unwanted stuff. You could probably download most of it again later if need be.

I'm not sure about PS3 but I had freezing issues on 360 with GTA IV. I couldn't finish it. I would lose my progress because it would freeze before I had a chance to save.

Bullshots, and/or screens and vids from the inevitable PC(probably next gen consoles too) release.

I've only heard one thing about the PS3 copy, and that was that it has bad framerate issues. But take that with a grain of salt because it was a poster at Neogaf who has been playing a copy he acquired before release date that said it.

Agreed, but what is that picture about? Lol, am I missing something?

Totally agree.

Ahem, Hi there :D. Are you implying that I'm an Xbox fanboy? I lol'ed but really that's not true.

Bone=penis?.... No.

Well either way, Orbis would have been better than PS4, it's a good name.

Well that's always the shield they use, "MS is pretty cool man but it really sucks and since you seem to like them... you're stupid!". Just throwing "MS is pretty decent" in there doesn't change anything.

Yeah, I remember that one, it's pretty funny lol. Certainly better than Xbone.

Where did I make misinformed comments? You're just a Sony fanboy and you're trying to cover it up with hey I just don't like invalid points. Motherfucker you're invalid. You've been invalid since you came here dropping insults. I've kept it civil and even replied to you because you're entertaining to me.

This isn't a popularity contest. So I really couldn't care less if I tried. Also, who do you speak for? Ok, then.

I get the "joke" but when I see Xbone I don't see Xbox fucked you.

Exactly that.

No because XB1, is read, X B One. XBone is read X Bone. All I said was that I don't find it insulting, it's just a bad abbreviation.