I didn't make that up, I've read it, and I lol'd. When I read Xbone.. it's just... no.
I didn't make that up, I've read it, and I lol'd. When I read Xbone.. it's just... no.
But wait, doesn't PS Vita have Hulu and/or Amazon? Pretty sure I read that.
Like I told someone else in the comments, I never saw it that way and I still don't. You pervs will see sex in excrement if you stared at it long enough lol.
Well because one of the features that they are marketing heavily is remote play. It would only make sense, for the consumer of course, not for Sony. Vita sales are going to be picking up soon, even more so when they release true remote play where you don't have to be on the same network as the PS4.
Do you visit forums and tell people how much you hate bish? Do you go to chicken articles and proclaim how much you loooove bish? Do you only use the word bish when speaking in a derogatory fashion about fish? Then yeah, guilty.
I didn't even notice you typed that. They did go the ROI route, because the release date is so close to launch that I really can't see why not. But of course the install base for PS3 is much larger than what the PS4s' will be come Dec.
I didn't rain on anything... I merely said that I don't even find Xbone to be insulting, which is actually the opposite of raining on your parade.
That's Hollywood for ya. Joaquin really does look like the invisible average Joe here. This movie, at first glance would be thought of as boring, I saw the comments on YouTube saying as much; I found it so interesting and it immediately piqued my interest. Looks like a great movie.
The only reason they are doing this is because they know people won't wait for this thing, effectively forcing them to buy a the LCD screen Vita, which is now costing them less to make, but costs the consumer the same price. Once the Vita sales start to nose dive they'll drop this in the States. I see no other reason…
Yeah I know, it's ridiculous lol. All I said was that the name isn't insulting but the trolls try to make it insulting. It's the only term they use when making derogatory statements. But of course, it's the internet and people need something to bitch about and someone to attack. Hive-mind is a powerful thing I guess.
Like I told someone else here, even Xflop would have been a better/funnier name to use.
It's not a straightforward abbreviation, like say.. XBO, X1 or XB1. If anything Xone would make more sense than XBone. Like I said, it's forced, like a bad joke. It doesn't fit.
Dreamcast is indeed a good one, as well as Saturn. The others I don't fancy.
Orbis would have been pretty cool, certainly better than Xbox One. Hell, I would have preferred an acronym like J.a.r.v.i.s.
I had to google that one, I took french waaay back in Junior High School lol. Winter is coming :).
Where in my comment does it say or imply that?
How so? Elaborate. Only an idiot could misconstrue what I have said here.
How am I defending MS here? Really how, enlighten me. Or just quit now and spare yourself the embarrassment of making yourself look like more a fool than you already do.
The thing about people, especially people who are constantly on the defensive, is that they interpret things the way they want to interpret things, as opposed to what it actually says. Reading comprehension is not that simple it seems.
:D you taught me how to chop heads, great parenting!