
His reaction is one of a long line of reactions from folks towards new types of media. His forebears were worried novels would corrupt the youth and cause people to live in a fantasy world. Here's a timeline with illustrative moral panics through the modern era.

Plus all the damn microtransactions.

Sorry mate, I don't want my games story to be the bare essentials. That's why I love games like Metal Gear Solid.

No Smash character has ever moved with the creepy elegance of the Wii Fit Trainer

I still kind of miss the "what is love" / "A Night at the Roxbury" gif with these guys.

See, the Cryptard would get his ass beat for real...and hopefully that's somewhere in Bungie's 2018 installment of the Destiny saga: finding out that he's in fact not certified and just says "uh...Highlander Type 0!" when he encounters something he doesn't understand.

Those buttons need to be made much fucking smaller, holy shit.

Imagine if you get to the "end" of the game and it turns out that this band is literally the final boss. The game pauses and a message shows up on the screen that says "Please connect your Guitar Hero controller to continue."

The thralls are basically husks from Mass Effect. And Dinklage at one point says the Vex are indestructible, though at this point I've killed hundreds.


Urgh. One of them.

We had our own rule.

How is it about finding out who is better at "the game" when you've removed half of "the game?" Dealing with items and adapting on the fly is part of being good at Smash Bros.

People that claim to know how to play but don't know how to play with items don't know how to play smash properly.

I always play fighting games as they were meant to be played: ALL levels open, ALL items open, all default settings, with friends who aren't obsessed with learning the exact frame when you can execute a counter in the middle of the other person's move set that leads into you dialing in an elaborate combo with flawless

I've always been a huge fan of playing SB against my friends competitively and even ended up with a daily match up playing Brawl against my best friend in college but I've NEVER understood the no items craze. Items can be part of developing strategy on the fly. Sure it's not as "pure" as man-to-man combat the whole

The game must be pretty dumb then.

"The Fallen aren't a fictional race WE are the fallen. You are going to burn in hell."

I have never once in any Smash match had to focus solely on one person in a 3-4 player match. The game is far too hectic to do something like that, and it's really not necessary to put every ounce of your strength into giving one person a hard time.

His teabagging form is so.. vigorous. I don't think the day will ever come that I see someone teabagging and don't chuckle. Even when it's my body- it always inherently leads to even more hilarity.