Doesn't a shitty port just increase the appeal of this game to the masochists who play it?
Doesn't a shitty port just increase the appeal of this game to the masochists who play it?
The organisers of the Penny Arcade Expos will next year be introducing "Diversity Hubs" in an attempt to be more inclusive to attendees.
Kinda pointless post, but I think you kinda know that already.
Just like every other meme.
Why do you weed smokers always come with alcohol whenever somebody says something bad about weed. We're not all alcoholics y'know. There's a reason why alcoholism isn't seen in a good light in our society.
Edit: It also prevents anyone trying to make a counterpoint from getting any decent amount of attention.
Really? The Last of Us didn't have the level of craft and detail as GTA V? Are you shitting me right now?
I don't care how many hours you've put into GTA V. For the 321764230978427th time, PLAYTIME =/= QUALITY. There's no reason a 40 minute indie game shouldn't be able to compete with an 80 hour sandbox for Game of the…
Kodak moment.
you should really read ASM 617 of you think Rhino has no character.
Angry Birds Star Wars Jenga Rise of Darth Vader Game ($15) | Amazon
You can order ARMED explosives off of Amazon? Is there an arm for detonation box for that under the send as a gift box I didn't notice?
In none of those cases should you have used an apostrophe in your "its."