I wish.
I wish.
Don't like it? Don't click it.
Nanomachines, son.
"You look like you've just come off an island or something," TNT's Danielle Demski told Jones. "You're very tan. Very tropical."
Maybe you should let your friend be the one who may or may not feel offended. Not sure he'd want you to speak for him on this subject.
Why haven't you killed yourself, then?
Fuck you.
Note: I tried to make the lighting match for each of these comparisons. While you can set the lightning manually in the game's options menu, there still seem to be enough variations to produce some of the differing looks you see in some clips.
Don't know what breakup you're talking about, but cool. As long as you pay rent, I'll do it.
"Let's break it up and start fresh."
Whiny twat.
Nope! I sold it, and I'm tired of seeing people gush over it.
Sounds like three strikes per item, then. Sounds like shit.
Wolfenstein: The New Order ($25) | Amazon
I expected Mr. Hankey.
Is it always online?