
Kill yourself.


Does this comic have a point other than massive nostalgia?

Does having kids make it that much harder?

Where's the Tharja cosplay?

Fair enough. I still stand by my comparison, but I'll admit that I don't know much about Lozzle's posting history. If Lozzle does happen to be an attention-whoring naysayer, I won't defend that.

"Wow, these are nice designs. Great games."

I disagree with your opinion, but it looks like people get mega-peeved when you diss TLoU and a game that hasn't even fucking come out.

Murica, hyuk.

They managed to load up the game for the first time and masturbate within six minutes? That's not something I'd make public...

Is your avatar of Solidus?

You've caught me!

That's what it sounds like she's implying, which I hope isn't the the case. That would be really messed up of her to do.

Jesus Christ, my eyes!

No, it's "pastime."

I know. I was just simplifying it. The point is that I'd have more options. I haven't done math in four years. You're giving me PTSD.

Using "my parents" would've been specific enough. "Asian parents" is pretty unnecessary.

Writing "my parents" instead of "Asian parents" is too hard, right?

They probably don't get it. Personally, I'm jealous because why am I only limited to only half of the planet?? On the other hand, I'm thankful because my perverted nature would render me eternally distracted if I were bisexual.

"I don't like being stereotyped... but I'm gonna stereotype others."