
Lost me at "Kids these days" and lost me even harder at "Wake up!"

No one gives a shit about Tumblr.

This is fucking stupid.

I'm waiting for Shin Megami Tensei IV to come in the mail. I'll also be starting Child of Light soon. Now that I'm finishing college, I'll actually have time for RPGs... until someone likes my resume, that is.

That's shitty as hell.


I haven't watched my copy in years. Maybe it does look horrible in comparison to all this recent HD stuff. I hope Disney releases the original versions of all of them.

Get the 2003 (or 2006?) DVDs, then. They have the original versions on there, too.

Does anyone know if Peggle 2 will ever come to the PS4?

What is this?

preorder Mario Kart 8, and Register it by July 31 to get Your Choice of New Super Mario Bros U, The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker HD, Pikmin 3, or Wii Party U Digital Download.


Are you 15?

Was there a point to your comment?

I hope they got Michael C. Hall. That's who I originally thought did the voiceover.

Journey (PS3)

Elitist cunt.


If it makes you feel any better, knowing the twist only makes one part (in the middle of the movie) kinda redundant, but the entire movie is still amazing. You'll love it.

Am I missing something? Who's Jon Crow?