
I was looking for this myself. It was the culmination of every Gen Xer’s nuclear nightmare. Helluva track, too.

My husband managed to put a knife straight through the middle of his hand while slicing a bagel. those things are lethal.

I was 15 and had just moved in with my Dad post-parental divorce. He couldn’t afford to fly us to see his parents, so we decided to host Thanksgiving for local friends. We bought a 20 pound turkey and a ton of vegetables. I had the bright idea to stick the turkey all the way to one side of the pan, so raw turkey

...Or the majority who voted for Gore and later, Clinton, but didn’t see their candidate move into the White House?

I was the Clinton rep for my district in Seattle. I witnessed someone tell their SO that they will “beat them like a drum” if they voted for Clinton and not Bernie. Then she threatened ME. No, there is not recourse for this, other than my 12-year-old son offering to call the police.

Vapers have triggered my asthma multiple times. So yes, it does hurt others in the room.

Yes, but it also appealed to young girls who didn’t understand (or didn’t care about) that aspect of it. I was in elementary school when it was on, and my friends and I constantly played “Charlie’s Angels.” Of course, our parents’ decision to let us watch the show was questionable.

Alaska Airlines is very service-oriented - really surprised to hear this. If you’re on Twitter, shame them @alaskaair - they respond.

I imagine he thought “Vice President” meant Mike would be president of Vice. Imagine his disappointment when he realized who he picked.

I don’t think we saw the same Atomic Blonde...

Spend a year watching murder trials - not OJ, not rich people trials, but actual, local trials. You will never support the death penalty again.

We need to start focusing on the Senate races NOW. And local races.

John Waters was at the 5th Avenue Theatre in Seattle while this was being developed - he was very involved. He was also tickled that little old ladies in Branson would be going to see a John Waters production.

Santino Fontana only signed on for one season. He’s based in NYC, and apparently didn’t think the show would go beyond one season.

My grandparents in Indiana would very much disagree.

The event URL picked up the period at the end and throws a 404 if you click it. Just remove the period when it comes up and you're golden. And the charity is amazing!

I was pulled over in East Texas for a traffic violation. The officer asked for license/registration/insurance. I reach over to glove box to get my stuff. I was half-way over when he yelled "Freeze!" I looked back, his hand is on his gun. He asked me (politely) what I was doing. I told him I was getting my