
It's really just two different pictures and doesn't simulate play the game. Unless you count playing it in reverse. Because the level decreases when it get's gold.

Part of the reason Suikoden 2 isnt on the PSN is because a lot of fans who own the game that enjoy it's value do not want it released for 5.99 or what ever it will cost. It is easily a $100+ dollar game. The first Suikoden was also around this price at one point. But can easily be found for 15-20 dollars with only a

Don't die. There that solves 90% of the restrictions. And impossible? Really? Someone get this lady a Soap Opera. She enjoys drama.

What a horrible night to have a curse.

What about the Thermaltake Level 10 GT (VN10001W2N) Black Steel? It's 200 bucks but man, its sweet.

As you can see. Your dribble is the minority here. Please exit the internet in a clean and orderly fashion. Thank you for time.

Patches would exist just because these days. No game is ever perfect. If I find a way to walk through a wall in a FPS without the assistance of a program or exploit. Then it has to be patched.

Dance puppets, dance. Just wait until 15. 20 years from now. When youtube comments from the early 2000's are used against people who run for anything political.

I played Facebook games for about 4 months. I played Mafia Wars, Zombie Lane, a Final Fantasy Chocobo themed game, an Ultima game, and a few others. Even farmville for about a week. I spent zero dollars. I click zero ads. While I am sure they still mad some money from that time. They couldn't have made what Blizzard

My favorite part is where you didn't dispute his self centered and uncharitable comment. I mean, being an ass and a bit stingy doesn't make you evil.


Yeah. Because if that's all you believe it takes for a game to be such, then every game in the existence of gaming is an RPG.

First off I will say that I am an old school player of Final Fantasy games. I still, on occasion, call number 6, 3. Just because I grew up with it. When I first heard of the sequel to X I was immediately worried. It's a FINAL Fantasy. Each world is it's own Final moments as their own version of the end of the world

Notice the wall street journal encourages dlc. Eff dat.

This is going to sound kinda blunt, but. What the hell is this? You admit to being a "well known" person who gives his opinions on games. However, you weren't a pc gamer and this did not stop you from buying a machine to run some PC games to just give your two cents on them. You didn't tell the people "Oh by the way.

The shitty downside, a constant remindiner, to all 360 owners. The texture loading part of game play. Every new board, a few seconds of the terrain and character skins loading on top of each other. If movies did this every time it switched scenes, people wouldn't watch or buy the movies. But for some reason I still

Sold the most, yes. Dominate? No way in hell. Talk about lack of content. I buy the big name games and the occasion game that looks fun to play. The problem is I have 2 Wii's and they are both collecting dust at the moment. One in a closet. I have a PS3 and Xbox 360 in 3 rooms in my house. Along with SNES/Nes.

I honestly won't the money for this tablet and have been browsing around a lot lately. But, to tell you the truth. Other then traditional tech knowlede. Cpu strength, gpu strength, stuff like that. I am at a loss. A friend of mine just bought a 90 dollar eLocity A7+ and it looked great until we found out he has to mod

I've played this game for a long time. I love it. Classic Metroid and Mario, with a hint a Castlevania. This is how I always seen the game. But yea. If they don't give us current owners of the game the updates. I will be very disappointed.

In 2010 it was around 3.5% of all torrents. In data over all, it was only 5.5%. I wish I had more updated info, I really do, because this staggeringly low number a couple of years ago made people realize it's not hurting the industry. Infact, around the same time. A study was done that showed the game market was doing