
Playing a game or a few doesn't make you a gamer. I don't care if it's Angry Birds on your phone or finishing a crossword in the inside of a danky truck stop stall. Gamer is a mind set. Gamer is a feeling of passion. Sure, some people take it far but, that's an option for a Gamer. A person who is trying to kill that

So wait. People are bitching about 100 bucks? Rolling in the dough? That's chump change to have a chance to not only express yourself, but to become known in something you (hopefully) love. If you can't afford 100 dollars then you obviously don't have the money for the equipment or time to make a game. More

Ok so. Follow me on this. Let's leave our fanboyism at the door with this idea. We invent a time machine. We go back in time, make sure we end up on the team who makes FF7. Keep up with me here. We make the game longer before this point, when Aerith dies. This will lead up into the final scenes of the game instead of

What happens outside of your job should not have a damn thing to do with a company keeping you or not. I know the same thing happened here (USA) earlier this year or last year. He never even threatened her. So it was in the grey area morally. It wasn't against the law or anything.

Heck, I'll one up ya. ZDTV ftw. :P

So. They all seem whiny as hell. I can understand some of these views, to an extent at least. But you don't get to enter the job and make as much as the person beside you, even if you have the same title/job, if they have been there longer.

I would like to see another Breath of Fire game. Maybe, a Lufia game. Going retro isn't risky as long as you don't try to many new things with them.

I love how you just went full on hippy with all that shit you just posted. I to am for owning a gun and all that jazz. But really? Trying to show another evil? I eat fast food, I eat "processed crap". I was once pretty damn over weight too. But then I decided to be active and kick ass at life. But I still eat that

For me, it was always the instances. Given, it was a real challenge to level up in the vanilla days. I couldn't even begin to tell you how long it took to reach 60 for me. But the first time I did the higher level instances, BRD, Dire Maul, Strat, and dear god, Scholo.

See the center of that colorful bullshit? That's where I stand. Because to real gamers, there will always be two types.

I purchased all three FF Legend games last week for 20 bucks, even came with Game Boy game holders. Went and found a regular game boy to play them on, and yeah, third is best.

Now playing

You should watch the Happy Video Game Nerd's video on it. It may not be the best game, but it has one of the strongest followings around. The game as a game, is actually very well made. To quote and paraphrase the HVGN "Ness is one of the most unlikely leads for an rpg and therefor one of the most awesome." He wasn't

So three quick, possibly, ignorant questions.

So much hate going on. Such a shame to. I mean, jesus. Look at how well this game is made. The Pinkie Pie character's mechanics are both humorous and different.

Ok I know this is on Genesis. But, let's take a step back and think of the broader picture of this idea.

Row row, fight the powah.

Do they have a weekly update? I remember the holiday events, new patches, nerfs, and the occasional bug fix. But I don't remember something new every week.

Half assed emulation.

My poor child mind. That's what I think when I first summoned my charizard and my opponent summoned mr mime. Blew my mind and I collected/sold/played the card game differently after that.

2 days before my birthday. Seems fitting as I wanted to get back into WoW anyways.