
Why can’t we be more like China?

Funny cause that’s the rationale for the death penalty and Britain’s three strikes law. But for some reason the US and UK have terrible crime rates, but crime couldn’t POSSIBLY have any other motivations could it!?

Funny enough, if there’s three people that are going to be left in jail because of their father it’s gonna be them:


It’s a damn sight better than Spacey or Priven’s comments. But it absolves nothing and I’m still delighted to watch his career, built on the back of this abuse, crumble beneath him.

I think it’s more as compared to what pretty much EVERY OTHER MAN who has had such accusations leveled at him has done. Does this apology and mea culpa mean we should all forgive him? Absolutely not. He has to earn forgiveness with more than just a “My bad. Sorry!” But it makes me hope that he’s going to do what has

Except they forgot to use the words “I’m sorry” and made him out to be a goddamned narcissist...but never mind eh?

And here comes the cognitive dissonance. On the one hand, everybody knows that he’s generally a thoughtful person (in the sense that he thinks about stuff on multiple levels), and we also know that he’s a strong and insightful writer. So it’s really no surprise in that sense that he was able to craft what may be one

As far as apologies go, that’s as good as it gets. No deflection. Doesn’t minimize his actions, or magically erase them, but it’s a good start.

“Where’s its #@$% head? This whole thing’s stupid.”

Gunilla Garson Goldberg is dubious about this reboot. And she always knows what’s best.

A gift from Floyd Mayweather?


So from a quick skim of the post I gather that Jack the Ripper faked his death and was living on the desert island in the Pacific where Amelia Earhart crashed landed in 1937. Seems plausible to me.

5 stars to your username. Also, I agree with your Joan C comparison.

Yup, her earth mother shtick is fooling no one.


Rather than a dish towel, put the person who only partially unloads the dishwasher in with the next load of dishes. This should solve the problem.

Its an act every late night host does,conan,fallon,kimmel,leno..They all pretend like they have never seen an animal or know how to cook anything. If they acted normal and didnt try to play “dumb”in the cooking/animal segments then they wouldnt do them anymore.

BUUUUUUUURRRRRN. (the burn of alcohol, which he uses to numb his self-hate)