
Bromance or Romance? We’ll never know for sure.

I didn’t know Wendy Williams was managed by the aunt from My Big Fat Greek Wedding.

Bertolucci also said that Tom Hanks never truly committed to his Philadelphia role.

Can we take a moment to acknowledge how sexy AF the ending scene with Lawrence was? Jesus, that man.

Damn Rich. You thirsty girl.


Raven as a “divorced mother..”

No snark. It’s terrible. Extra hugs for my fur baby tonight.

At NYU or Vassar? I took a sociology class with her at Vassar (class of ~1o people) and she seemed lovely and pretty chill.

Kelly Preston used to date Charlie Sheen but dumped him when HE ACCIDENTALLY SHOT HER IN THE ARM.

Unfortunately his six-point plan did not go over so well among his constituents.

Smith’s character is a “brilliant, creative, charismatic guy who used to love life”

  • The Chicken - It’s about a group of twinks competing for the affections of a rich, much older daddy.

Standards can be upwards of 40 lbs. :)

I totally understand. I do the same when I see a komodor.

They are adorable (see my fur baby). But incredibly needy and immensely difficult to train!

This trope has been done to death.

Simply, the best (especially after a day or two when they are a bit al dente).

She’s bored. This was inevitable.

I’m waiting for Michelle to snapchat the video of Melania promising not to plagiarize her speech.