
My empathy was reserved for the murdered infant, not the mother. Also - chosen child? What?

This was pretty nail on the head for me. Thanks.

This is an awesome piece of perspective - thank you for sharing.

I felt the same way.

...I guess I’m speculating that she knew what she did was wrong. I’m not giving her the benefit of the doubt.

Very true.

Totally hear you and agree it’s not black and white. I’m just responding a bit to the folks who were making her seem blameless.

And just so we are clear - I was more shocked by the global Jez response here of blamelessness. That's just fucking weird.

According to that argument, any woman with limited access to resources would be justified to kill her child. Furthermore, this justifies a man with limited resources to do something horrible to his wife or girlfriend.

The responses here make me angry. Does this woman get no blame for what she did? Are we really banking everything on a mental illness and perhaps.. just selfishness?

This “Find Your Roots” scandal is turning into a PR bloodbath.

Dev question: is someone really building the details for every lootable item or is there a program that automates it for you (ie, every other barrel should have wax).

It's pretty clear that song is all about Beyoncé. Forget Kim - these women are at war.

Sad that I am joining this so late so it’ll probably die in the grays but here goes:

Courtney KILLED Kurt AOL chat rooms are the equivalent to Anti-Vaxx Facebook pages.

The real tragedy here is that even male sociopaths are too lazy to order their own pizza.

This. Say what you will about him as an actor but if you compare those parts side by side there is a CLEAR winner.


Maybe the women knew and they just weren't jerks about it.

Does anyone remember the ep where Jesse switches the twins’ clothes and Becky made a comment like “the boys will grow up never knowing their true identity.”