Thanks for the heads up on the Reddit. I'm not much of a Reddit user (at all), but I feel I will need some BF3 guidance coming from the "twitch-shooter" world of COD.
Thanks for the heads up on the Reddit. I'm not much of a Reddit user (at all), but I feel I will need some BF3 guidance coming from the "twitch-shooter" world of COD.
I literally JUST bought this game from Amazon (honestly, it will be in my hands on Tuesday) to see what all the fuss is about. I'm a Call of Duty player at heart, but I do love me some military shooters and have several friends always playing BF3. Why not check it out?
Nah, I'm used to having to point out things like this. If you were being offensive (which you weren't), THEN you'd be an ass.
What is a "real" society?
Agree with KEPinion:
"You fool! You've led them right to us!"
Classic! Your original message made me laugh so hard because you said, "Like some cheap Master Chief rip-off". If I was drinking something at the time, it would've been the perfect spit take! I could just imagine the ODST devs reading the comment and then bowing their heads in shame.
Are you being facetious or sincere? I ask because that would be the key art from HALO: ODST.
This is something I've never been okay with, even less in recent years now that I have several nieces and nephews.
I'd go straight for Tifa a heartbeat. I wouldn't have ANY idea what to do once we "got down to business", but beyond that minor thing I think we'd make a great couple.
I'm going up there this weekend. What in God's name am I heading into?! Is Roland Emmerich directing my weekend?
This is all a plan hatched by the two entities to combine every teenage post about One Direction into one interface.
I'm right there with you. I have Time Warner Cable and it took them ages to allow HBO Go on mobile devices, now they are blocking the 360 version.
Well, Russian Parliament doesn't know much, no.
Allow me to blow this all out of proportion:
Alas, that is the biggest hurdle. Technology aside, it's the fact that people become mindless troglodytes once they are given online anonymity.
Sorry, I was unable to go through all of the info on that site, but from what I read/saw on the video, it appears you have the RTS function and the FPS function (as you stated). My only question is, are they separate players, or is the RTS player making decisions and then executing those decisions themselves in the…
Exactly! Having support vehicles would also add that extra layer of "play how you want". I actually love playing that type of role (I'm usually medics in those types of games or Paladin's in RPGs).
I was not aware of the commander aspect of that game. They need to take all that and bring it to a larger scale and we'd be golden!