
This is exactly what I want out of the future of video games. With innovations like this happening, we're not too far off. The biggest hurdle will be getting the various platforms to get on board.

Typical. Someone makes a ton of money developing for a mobile unit and suddenly "sees the light". It's Angry Birds all over again.

They did this somewhat with the 2008 Summer Olympics. NBCOlympics partnered with Microsoft Silverlight to stream as well as archive for later review (both raw and edited) coverage of the games. Since I work long hours, this was my primary way of viewing the events. They even had a great multi-event viewer mechanic

Found out about this back when Jurassic Park was still in theaters. The LA Natural History Museum had a special Dinosaurs of Jurassic Park exhibit going on and my mom took me there while we were visiting family.

"...its not like they make you take your clothes off, pout and take a photo."

Nope. It's the equivalent of Homer's "Bear Patrol" on The Simpson's and I refuse to just act like it is okay to be interrogated, manhandled and prodded by high school dropouts who think they're saving the world.

"Moving to Canada" is my hyperbole for "I hate the USA sometimes."

"It's important to note that if you're traveling and you're randomly or non-randomly selected to go through the body scanner, you're completely within your rights to refuse the scan."

LAX is AWFUL! I've flown so many times out of there and they never say anything. Flying back, with the EXACT same items, the return airport always finds something (liquid over 5oz, nail file, etc). I am shocked that an airport as vast and bustling as LAX doesn't have tighter security. It could just be the domestic

"Systemic Racism". I like it. It's very true in that it does create an unintentionally racist (albeit, mostly harmless) attitude. I'm a triple minority myself (black/Puerto Rican and gay), but even I wouldn't find a game with exclusively "ethnic" and LGBT characters that interesting. I play as whatever is put in

The Arkh Project's integrity not withstanding, this is more of a visibility issue, which always creates controversy.

My family stopped playing games with me pretty quickly once I got into the fighting genre. Before that, my sister's and I (they're 10 and 12 years older than me) would play Mario Kart and Donkey Kong Country together. Then I discovered Street Fighter II and eventually Killer Instinct I and II. Whoops. I think they

Why, why did you post this article? Why did I read it? Why do you all keep posting horrifying stories and images in the comments?! WHY DO I CONTINUE TO READ THOSE?!

Much like your original statement, this response is not meant to flame/harass, but to openly debate as adults.

Hmm...not sure what to think about this.

I went to grade school in AZ, so the sex education curriculum basically caused kids to believe that just being gay meant an inevitable HIV infection in later years, as though it was a dormant virus just waiting to pounce at the first thought of that sinful sex.

My encounters all look normal from the outside. No telling what kind of crazy microbial shit is going on underneath that skin.

I get less feeling, not no feeling. Plus, I'm gay and a bottom, so in hetero terms, I'd be the chick in most scenarios. However, the few times I have topped, a condom is ALWAYS on. Not worth the risk.

I've posted this before, but it bears repeating: I am still absolutely SHOCKED that the majority of men will not wear a condom for penetrative intercourse. When the option is skin on latex contact or my dick falling off, I tend to choose the latex...every time.

Is that the sequel to 12 Monkeys?