
Love it! I've always been in love with pernil. Growing up, it was that plus arroz con gandules for almost every special gathering (cooked by mom and tia). I'm not a big turkey person myself, but like you, I enjoy having it once a year and we brine and roast the crap out of that bird (we make a special baste out of

This will be our third year brining our turkey. After the first time we did it, we haven't looked back. Juiciest turkey meat I've ever had.

Or be gluttonous like my family and make turkey as well as pernil (pork shoulder roast). We got a lot of mouths to feed and instead of 2 turkey's, we like to vary it up a bit.

After a rant like that, I'd say you should REALLY rethink your handle.

It's lonely at the top.

Battlefield sold 5 million units in its first week, so roughly $300 million (which is pretty damn good). Black Ops sales figures for the first day were $365 million with a first 5 day total of $650 million.

Oh, the game is amazing! Spider-Man 2 was the last game that made me feel like a comic book hero. This game takes that feeling and multiplies it 100 fold! It's so dark, mysterious and incredibly engaging. I cannot wait to start Arkham City...but first I have to get through Croc.

I'm SUCH a wuss when it comes to scary movies/games; I avoid them at all costs. I've started playing Arkham Asylum so I can move on to City and I just reached Killer Croc's lair. I am FREAKING OUT! I've never played a game that's made my heart race in terror like this before!

I think you need to re-read my comment, it was a generalized joke. Your response somewhat takes on the assumption that I was dismissing the actions of a 46-year-old, mentally unstable man when he decided to strangle a 13-year-old child.

And this, ladies and gents, is why you stay your ass in party chat! No need to punish yourself any further with the knowledge that the player sniping you from across the map with a pistol isn't old enough to drive yet.

I feel like Netflix cornered the market by pushing their service to devices like gaming consoles and mobile phones/tablets. This, effectively, gives them free run to now sculpt their new business how they see fit. I'm not happy with the changes; I even canceled by disc service (barely used it), but I won't be

I can't remember specifically. I want to say it was hydraulics. Once he started using a lot of the really technical jargon, it went over my head. You're a crew chief, so I assume you manage everyone on the maintenance crew?

One of my close friends is a C-130 mechanic. Was stationed in Kuwait for awhile. I was always worried about him even though he was never in combat.

Aha, you must be a pilot. Flying the UH-1? Yeah, the AC-130 can still carry cargo, which is why I suppose they left it as AC instead of just A. I was just remarking on how Andrew referred to the Spectre and Spooky as variants of the AC-130 Hercules, when really it is just the C-130 Hercules. No "A" without the

I know my geek is about to show, but technically the Lockheed Hercules aircraft is known as the C-130 as it is a military transport vehicle. As soon as you fit ordnance it, then your cargo class aircraft (C) becomes an attack class (A) aircraft. So AC-130 stands for ATTACK/CARGO class.

Is it wrong to be slightly aroused by the final, 40 second shot of Tempus II?

Wait, Battlefield doesn't allow for chat in-game? Awesome!

You beat me to it! Was going to make a Sphere reference (that being my favorite book). Well played.

Carmageddon is this weekend in LA, so my weekend will be filled with laundry, Child of Eden, MW2, Black Ops and frequent trips to the corner liquor store.

Anyone else find the humor: